Page 27 of Saving Daddy

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“All right. That was not the answer I expected.” His lips twitched and she found herself smiling.

“You haven’t thought of doing that before?” she asked.

“I really try to avoid touching my friends’ balls. Means I get to keep this face intact.” He grinned as he waved a finger in front of his face.

“Good plan. Save the pretty face,” she said.

“Pretty, huh? I prefer ruggedly handsome. But I’ll take it.”

“You’re handsome, too,” she said hastily, not wanting to insult him.

“Good to know. I’ve got to go check in,” Hack told her. “Do you want to come with me?”

Walk outside? In the snow?

She shook her head, feeling ill.

“All right. So you want to stay in the truck?” he asked.


She’d close her eyes and pretend to be somewhere else.

“Are you sure you’ll be all right?”

She looked over at him. He really was pretty. And ruggedly handsome. With his beautiful emerald-green eyes and short beard. She’d never been a beard person. But on him, it was sexy as hell.

“Yes. I’ll be fine.”

He eyed her worriedly. “I’m going to leave the truck going with the heated seats on. Just promise me that you’ll stay inside.”

“I will. I promise.”

He gifted her with a warm smile. It made her stomach burn. But with need rather than anxiety.

He got out of the truck, and she instantly wanted to call out for him, to beg him to come back. She hadn’t realized until that moment how much of her sanity had been relying on having him with her.

Screeching of tires.

The cries of someone in pain.


Where was he? Why was he just leaving her here? It was so cold.

Stop!Stop it!

She was being ridiculous. It was a freaking snowstorm. It wasn’t that night. She was safe and warm inside the truck. She reached into her handbag again and squeezed Wally.

“Here,I made this for you, Greer-bear.” Cash handed her a brightly-colored fluffy worm. Which was kind of weird for a worm to be fluffy. “You tell him all your worries and he eats them.”

She was lying in the hospital bed, foggy after her operation.

“He’ll eat my worries?”

“Yep. Just tell them to him, and he’ll make them all go away.”

“I’mscared he’s not coming back, Wally.”

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