Page 253 of Saving Daddy

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“For you. You were terrified. And that is not what I want. Ever. Listen to me. I did this to help you feel more comfortable. But you were so far from comfortable that it made me feel ill. I never want to do that to you. Ever. So I said it for you. But everything is good. It’s all good. Now, find the key and unlock my cuffs so I can hug you.”

She fumbled with the key several times but managed to get the cuffs unlocked. Then she was in his arms, held tight.

He murmured to her softly as she pressed her face into his neck.

“I’m sorry this didn’t work,” she told him.

“You apologize again, and I’m going to get so mad that I’ll buy you a whole new wardrobe,” he warned.

She smiled. It was a limp sort of smile but a smile all the same.

“And who says this didn’t work?”

“Um, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t take your cock inside me.”

“Baby, the goal was to make you more comfortable with me. I got to see you naked, I got to lick your delicious pussy. I’m a happy fucking man.”

She forced herself to relax. She guessed she could see that as a step forward.

But she wanted more.


Hack was going to be so mad when he found out what she was doing.

If he found out. Because there was no reason for him to know, right?

No reason . . . except you’re a blabbermouth.

She groaned as she parked her car outside the duplex where Matthew had lived. It was still a run-down shithole. She wondered if it had new tenants. There was a beat-up old van sitting in the driveway, so she couldn’t just walk in.

Probably not a good idea anyway. Since that’s where he’d . . . where he’d . . . oh God. She was going to be sick.

Why had she thought it would be a good idea to come here?

Had she really thought this would give her the closure she was searching for? Because so far, all she felt was ill.

She’d come back to Billings for several reasons. To reconnect with Cash. Epic failure. To explain to Aidan about her stalker and get his take on it. Also a bit of a failure. To get over what Matthew had done to her and move on.

Rape. He raped you.

The front door of the duplex opened and a balding guy stood in the doorway. There were stains on his sleeveless shirt which was strange attire in this weather. His gut hung out over his pants which were falling down. He grabbed at them, pulling them up as he glared at her. “What do you want?”

“Oh, um. Nothing.”

He squinted at her. “You here for a fix?”

“A fix?” Was he talking about drugs? “N-no. I just . . . I knew someone who used to live here.”

“Well, they ain’t here now. I’ve lived here for years. You want to come in?”

That was odd. She shook her head. “N-no, thank you.”

Turning, she fumbled with the door, thanking God that she hadn’t locked it. As she got in, she saw him moving toward her, a cunning look on his face.

Crap. Shit.

Get out of here, Greer.

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