Page 199 of Saving Daddy

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“I need to get her home.”

Reyes sighed. “Yeah, all of the girls need to go home.”

“I’m not going anywhere without you,” Emme said.

“Me either,” Sunny added from where Duke had sat on the last free chair and drawn her onto his lap.

Greer tightened her hold on Hack. But it didn’t matter because he wasn’t letting her go anywhere without him. He wasn’t really needed here now that he’d patched everyone up.

Well, except Spike. And it looked like he’d stopped bleeding so he likely didn’t need help.

But Hack would like to know what the hell was going on.

“You’ll do what you’re told, Little Rebel,” Duke said firmly. “But I don’t want you going home alone anyway. What do you think we should do, Reyes? Why the fuck are the Rykers coming for us? We’re no threat to them. We’re just an MC club.”

Reyes shook his head. “Now that we’re aligned with Markovich, people think we’re doing shit for him. That’s likely the reason they’re coming for us. Although what the fuck our guys were doing out there, picking fights with them, I don’t know.”

“Brainless dipshits,” Spike said.

“True.” Reyes nodded.

“We need to start strategizing,” Emme said, thumping her fist into the palm of her hand. “This could end up as war.”

“Lots of gangs from other areas are sniffing around,” Reyes said. “They want a piece of the pie. And the Rykers want to keep it all to themselves now that the Devil’s Kingdom are gone. It’s causing a fuckload of unrest. Only way I see it, either we try to keep low and out of it or we throw our weight behind someone.”

“But who?” Duke asked. “We don’t want to support any of these fuckers. Urgh, I mean fudging assholes.”

“Does Markovich want to take over Devil’s Kingdom territory?” Spike asked.

“Doubt it. They had their hands in things he doesn’t touch,” Reyes said.

“Damon isn’t interested either,” Spike said. “Although the Rykers are pushing him into retaliating.”

“I heard some other rumors about some cartel guys being seen in Billings, Reyes said. “But nothing concrete. They might wipe out all the bullshit smaller gangs. Markovich is looking into this cartel leader, but he doesn’t know about him.”

“Have you asked the Fox?” Spike asked.

“Nope,” Reyes said. “Last time I tried to call him, he told me to fuck off because he was playing a game of Foxy Says. Whatever the fuck that means. Maybe you could try, Sunny?”

Greer glanced around as Duke groaned and Sunny patted his chest.

“Problem?” Reyes drawled.

“Yes, it’s the Fox,” Duke snapped. “There’s always a problem when the Fox is involved.”

“He wants us to go on vacation with him,” Sunny said.

There was silence in the room.

“The Fox goes on vacations?” Hack asked.

“Well, I don’t think he ever has before,” Sunny replied, biting her lip. “I believe that he’s decided that normal people go on vacation with their friends.”

“But he’s not normal,” Emme said with a grimace.

“Um, you tell him that,” Sunny replied.

“Yeah, I’d rather not,” Emme replied.

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