Page 184 of Saving Daddy

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“I want you to be careful,” he said. “I need to do some research into this Hack. And you should have been told me you were staying with him.”

“You think I should have told you?” Seriously?

“I have to go.”

“No, wait—” Before she could finish, he’d ended the call. Rats.

Her phone rang again. Hack.

“Hi!” she said brightly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why do you think something is wrong?” She’d tried hard to keep any upset out of her voice.

“You sound odd.”

“I was just talking to Cash.”


“He must have gone to Aidan’s place and I wasn’t there. He’s worried about me moving in with you when I barely know you. His words.”

“Bit late for brotherly concern.”

Yeah, it kind of was. But it was also nice to know he still cared about her.

“I’m so mixed up about him.” On the one hand she was happy to have him back. But it kind of felt like he wasn’t her brother anymore.

“I know you are, baby.”

“I just wish I knew what was going on.”

“You sound tired. It’s time for you to have a nap.”

“I don’t have time for a nap.” Damn, it sounded like a nice idea, though.

“How much more work do you need to do?”

“Umm. Probably about an hour.”

“All right. You can work for one more hour. Depending on what I’m doing, I might not be able to call you then. But I expect a photo of you in bed.”

“Kinky,” she commented without thinking. Then she felt herself flushing.

“I can get kinky if you want, baby girl.”


He knew how to make her insides melt. That was for sure.

“Now, did you eat all your lunch? You might need a snack to keep you going.”


“Yes, lunch. You did eat your lunch, didn’t you? I put an alarm on your phone.”

“Oh, that’s why it kept buzzing?” she said lamely.

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