Page 176 of Saving Daddy

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Get it together, Greer.

“Come on. I need to check you over and turn off the alarm. Wait here.” He put her down and looked her over. “Shit, you don’t have any clothes on.” He drew off his jacket, then picked her back up.

“Wally worm! He’s inside.”

“I’ll get him. You come sit in the truck. I’ll turn the heated seats on.”

“I love heated seats.”

* * *

Two hours later,Hack sat on his bed with a sigh. He felt exhausted. After getting the alarm shut off, he’d tried to air out the place. But the kitchen stunk of smoke. He might have to get the place professionally cleaned.

Luckily, his bedroom door had been shut, so they should be able to sleep okay tonight.

Fuck. He’d been so fucking worried when he’d gotten that alert. He’d been so scared that he’d arrive to find the house on fire with Greer inside.

She was currently in the bath. He’d just taken a shower in his bathroom and gotten changed into sweatpants and a T-shirt. He should go and see how she was doing.

Yeah, because that’s why you want to see her. It’s not because you need to be with her.

He walked over to the bathroom across the hall that had the bath. He knocked on the door.


No answer. He frowned, worry filling him. He’d checked her over, but what if he’d missed something? What if she’d fallen and hit her head? “Baby, I’m coming in now.”

He opened the door slowly so she could protest if she needed to. Only to find the bathroom empty.

His heart skipped a beat. Where the hell had she gone?

“Swear to God, I’m going to put a tracker on that girl. Greer? Greer!”

He stomped through the house to find her on the kitchen floor . . . scrubbing it.

“Greer?” he asked softly, his anger disappearing at her almost frenzied cleaning.

“Oh, were you calling me?” She was dressed white and blue striped pajamas that had ladybugs all over them.

She would have looked adorable if it wasn’t for the stress visible on her face.

“Yes, I was.” He crouched down next to her. “What are you doing, Ladybug?”

She gave him a confused look. “Cleaning.”

“I can see that, but why?”

“Because I made a mess. I’ve got to make it right. I’ve got to clean it up.”

“Hey. Hey, stop. Please.”

She kept scrubbing.

Hack studied her for a moment. Maybe he needed to be mindful of her state of mind, but he couldn’t handle this. “Greer, stop. Right now.”

She froze, then looked at him. “But I have to clean it up.”

“There’s nothing to clean, baby.”

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