Page 174 of Saving Daddy

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No. Nope. By the time she made the lasagna, and did some work, the day would nearly be gone.

Most of the stuff he’d ordered had arrived yesterday. They’d unpacked everything into the spare bedroom, which Hack said they’d turn into a playroom.

Greer had never imagined having a playroom or so much stuff. She was used to watching every dollar. It felt so weird to have all of those beautiful things.

She was almost too scared to use them or wear them. What if she got a stain on one of the new outfits he’d bought her?

Actually, she should clean up the boots he’d bought her. She’d do his at the same time. In fact, after she made the lasagna, she’d do some housework, then her own work.

She owed him for all of these gorgeous things.

And for being naughty today and not calling him.

She needed to be a good girl.


Greer stared at the oven.

Okay. It couldn’t be that hard to work out, right? Just turn the dial to where she wanted it to go.

So why wasn’t it working? She sighed in frustration. Then she realized there was another knob. She turned it. Success!

All right . . . but what was the other knob?

The stupid thing had such small pictures on it. She couldn’t make them out.

“Urgh, Wally, what am I meant to do? Turn it to what looks like convection baking? Sure. Why not? What’s the worst that can happen?”

Wally looked a bit doubtful. But she slid the lasagna in and then cleaned up the kitchen. Next, the bathrooms, then she’d vacuum, and clean their boots.

She was in the middle of cleaning Hack’s boots when a piercing alarm went off.

“Oh my God!” Dropping the boots, she raced into the kitchen, which was filled with smoke.

Coughing, she ran for the windows, opening them up as her eyes watered.

The lasagna!

Her phone started ringing as she moved to the oven and quickly switched it off before opening the door.

Bad idea. A pile of smoke assaulted her face, making her eyes water. She bent over, coughing.

She managed to reach the backdoor and walked out. The cold outside immediately assaulted her. She hadn’t thought to grab a jacket or shoes. But at least she could breathe.

Damn it.

Her poor lasagna.

Shit. Hack’s house. How the hell was she going to get the smell of smoke out?

“Hello? Hello?”

She turned as someone peered at her over the fence. It was Hack’s neighbor, the one with the cat called Mrs. Fluffybottom. She’d met her yesterday.

“Are you all right, dear?”

“Oh yes, I’m fine. I just set the lasagna on fire.”

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