Page 125 of Saving Daddy

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He brought the food over. Then he cut her burger into quarters. It was steaming hot, so he brought one piece to his lips to test the temperature.

“I don’t think anyone has tested how hot my food is before you. At least not since I was a baby.”

“Get used to it. It’s just all a part of taking care of you.”

“I’m not sure this is normal.”

“It’s normal in Hack World.”

“Hack World?” she questioned with amusement as he held a piece of burger out for her to take a bite.

It brought him a huge amount of satisfaction that she ate a piece without argument.

Fuck yes.

Feeding her, taking care of her, it all felt so damn right.

“Yep. Hack World. Where a Little girl called Greer does as she’s told without argument.”

“Ahh, so it’s a made-up world filled with delusions.”

“Hey, brat!”

She giggled as he gave her a stern look. “I am not delusional. You are going to do as you’re told.”

“I am? What happens if I don’t?” she challenged. “You can’t keep buying me stuff. I don’t need anything and you’ll go broke.”

“Be a while before I go broke.” He wasn’t rich by any stretch, but he lived pretty simply and didn’t have any debt. “And I’m sure I can find more things to buy for you.”

Like that Care Bear he’d seen her eyeing in the toy store.

“Or we can just move to other punishments,” he added.

There was a flush in her cheeks. Was she imagining him taking her over his knee?

Because he sure was.

She cleared her throat.

“Eat some more.” He held up another piece of burger.

She shook her head. “I need a drink. Do you want a soda?” She tried to rise, but he shook his head and reached over to grasp her shoulder lightly.

“What did I just say? Stay there. Just tell me what you need.”

He jumped up and got two sodas. He glanced around for her water bottle, but couldn’t see it, so he also grabbed a couple of bottles of water from the fridge.

“You can’t just do everything for me.”

Why not?

“Just stay where you are, or I’ll sit you on my lap to feed you,” he warned.

Which might not be the smartest idea considering the hard-on he was sporting.

She shook her head at him as she took a drink of soda.

“Where’s your water bottle?” he asked as he undid the lid of the bottle for her.

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