Page 118 of Saving Daddy

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“Good. Haven’t lost it. I’m still hot stuff.”

She giggled.

“Move your fingers for me please.”

“Ouch. Crap.”

“Your wrist is bit swollen. We need to get you an ice pack and bandage it up. I’m sure that with three kids, Sav has got some ice packs in the freezer.” He moved to the kitchen and she wasn’t ashamed to admit that she admired his tight ass in those jeans.

Yum. Yum.

Definitely like no doctor she’d ever met before.


“Are you checking out my ass?” Hack called back without turning to look at her.

What the heck?

How did he know?

“Do you have eyes in the back of your head?” she asked.

He laughed. “I sure do, Ladybug. You just remember that.”

Oh, she would.

He returned with two soft ice packs. “Would you like one with dinosaurs or unicorns on it?”

“I’ll take the unicorns.”

“Good choice.” He walked over and wrapped it gently around her wrist, then placed a cushion on her lap and laid her arm on it.

“Keep that there, Ladybug. I need to look at your knees.”

“They’re fine.”

“Do you have a super-duper fancy stethoscope?” he asked sternly.

“Um, no.”

“Then we’ll leave it up to the guy that does.” He pointed at himself. “That’s me. I’ve even got one of those pieces of paper that lets me do this to other people.”

“Really? How did you get that?”

“Paid five bucks and got it out of a vending machine.”

She giggled.

“The easiest thing might be to roll your pants up. Is that all right?”


He carefully pushed them up over her knees. “I think we should get an x-ray on that wrist.”

“Nah, it’ll be all good.” An x-ray? Not happening.

He eyed her. “I can take you to my clinic if you’d rather not go to the hospital.”

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