Page 104 of Saving Daddy

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She sucked in a breath. “What’s going on? He sounded so weird over the phone. Where has he been?”

“Unfortunately, you know as much as I do. Which is fuck all. He won’t say where he’s been or what happened, or what he’s planning on doing now or even if he’s safe. Just keeps telling me not to worry.”

“It’s like he doesn’t know you at all.”

Aidan reached over and squeezed her thigh. “Good to have you back, Squirt.”

She couldn’t say the same. Not yet. But she knew he understood.


Greer didn’t think she’d ever been this exhausted in her life.

“How do you do this? Like . . . every day?” She stared over at Livvy with a new sense of respect.

Livvy giggled. “It’s not like this every day. Buster and Ethan are usually at school. And Wyatt goes to daycare while I’m at the salon.”

“You’re not even human, are you?”

“It’s a lot easier now that I have Sav,” Livvy said with a sweet look on her face. “He makes everything better.”

“Ew. La-la-la.” She put her fingers in her ears. “I do not need to hear these things about my brother.”

“Hear what about me?” Aidan asked as he walked into the room. “They’re all asleep. What the heck did you two do to them today?” He sat on the sofa next to Livvy and drew her close.

“What did we do to them? What about what they did to us?” Greer asked. “I’m exhausted and all I did was run around after Wyatt all day. That kid can move.”

She was grateful for the distraction, though. It made it easier to forget that she was back in Montana. Back where Matthew had . . . okay, she wasn’t going to think about that.

“Are you guys all packed for tomorrow?” She was going to drive them to the airport. Aidan had bought a seven-seater SUV so they could all fit comfortably.

Her rebel brother, the family man.

It blew her mind.

“Actually about that . . .” Aidan said. “I’ve decided you’re coming with us.”


He frowned. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. You’ll come with us. It will be perfect. I just need to talk to the hotel about getting you a room next to ours as I don’t want you on a different floor. I’ll book the plane ticket now and call them.”

“Whoa. What the heck are you talking about?” She sat up straight, trying to get her tired brain to comprehend what he was saying.

“You’re coming with us. Much better idea than you staying here.”

“No, it’s not.”

Livvy stared from one to the other with wide eyes.

“Yes, it is,” Aidan replied firmly.

“Um, Sav, I don’t think Greer wants to go with us,” Livvy said.

“She’s coming.” Aidan crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s the best idea.”

“It’s a stupid idea.” Anger pushed energy into her and she jumped to her feet, meeting his glare with one of her own. “I’m not going.”

Aidan stood as well. “Yes, you are, young lady.”

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