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He opened his trunk and pulled out his spare tire and moved it around to the side of the car. Before he could grab the car’s jack, she brought it out for him.

“Thanks, but you really didn’t have to do that. I don’t want you to get dirty.” He appreciated her help. He wasn’t so macho that he didn’t want her assistance, but he didn’t want her to get any grease on her pretty dress.

“That’s okay. I’m being careful, and I’m used to changing a tire when I need to.”

As soon as he removed the lug nuts, she held on to them for him. Once he had changed out the tire,she handed him the lug nuts. “I should have gotten their license plate number for reckless—” she said but abruptly stopped speaking when two police cars tore down the road past them, blue lights flashing, heading in the direction of the initial gunfire and shattered glass.

They both turned to look at the police cars.

“Too bad they weren’t after the guys speeding down the road,” Kayla said.

Which made Nate wonder… “You don’t mind if we go the way the police cars went and see what’s going on, do you?”

“Always the PI.”

“Yeah, sorry. I wouldn’t have done it when the gunshots were going off.” He sighed. “This is our special date. I really shouldn’t have mentioned it.” He put the jack back in the car, closed the trunk, and pulled a bottle of hand sanitizer out of his console. He gave it to Kayla first so she could clean her hands. Then he washed his and pulled on his shirt.

Kayla began buttoning it for him. “No, I really want to know what’s going on too. Ending a date on an investigative errand works for me.”

“Are you sure?” He was dying to learn what was going on, particularly if the truck that had forced them off the road had been involved in a crime—a hit-and-run or something. He wanted to report it to the police. But he didn’t want it to take away from their date. Still, when they had first met,Kayla was eager to help him solve a situation of theft at her lodge, so he knew she had an interest in investigations.

She finished buttoning the top buttons on his shirt while he buttoned the lower ones. “Yeah, you know me. I would think about it the rest of the night otherwise, imagining all kinds of different scenarios.”

“All right. I feel the same way.” He tucked in his shirt, and they returned to the car. Then he drove off in the direction the police cars had gone.

When they reached where the police cars were parked at a jewelry store, the lights from police cars were flashing all over the place. Some people standing there seemed curious about what was going on, and the whole place was being taped off as a crime scene. Store window glass was broken all over the sidewalk so a couple of policemen kept onlookers from going past the crime scene tape.

“A jewelry store robbery,” Kayla said.

“Yeah. What if the truck that ran us off the road was involved in the robbery, and that’s why they were racing down the road, trying to get away? That would explain why they risked everyone’s lives to pass us.”

“That makes sense. Now I really wish we had their license plate number. At least we know it was a black pickup,” she said.

“Exactly. It was a double-wide cab, Chevy Silverado.”

“You know your vehicles.”

“Yeah. It’s a hazard of the work I do. Now if only we knew their license plate number, the police could nail them.” He parked near the store. It was closed for the night, but someone had turned the lights on inside to conduct their investigation.

He and Kayla both got out of the car and approached the officers protecting the crime scene. “I’m Nate Grayson, a PI out of Silver Town. Could we speak with the detective in charge of the investigation?”

“Is it something that’s important to the case of robbery?” the officer asked.

“Possibly. We were run off the road by a black pickup that was racing away from the direction of the jewelry store. The truck forced my car up onto the curb, and I blew a tire. They possibly could have been involved in the robbery and that was why they were in such a hurry to get away. I want to give the detective a description of the truck in case it was involved in the robbery,” Nate said.

“I’ll go get the detective,” one of the officers said, and hurried into the store.

Nate wrapped his arm around Kayla’s shoulder and leaned down and kissed her. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have dragged you into this.”

“Don’t be.” She wrapped her arm around his waist and hugged him, reassuring him she was fine with all this. “This is exciting, and the best thing isthat if they do find the truck and learn the driver was involved, we helped to catch him, especially after he ruined your tire. If they were involved, they were the ones who dragged us into this. And you know if it does pertain to the case, we both would have wished we had done our civic duty and said something to the police about it. I don’t see any ambulances, so it appears no one was injured, but what if the next time these guys do it, someone is hurt or killed? If they get away with this one, they most likely won’t stop doing it.”

“Exactly. It could escalate into something much worse. And this might not have been the first time they committed a robbery either.”

The detective came out, and Nate explained what had happened to them. “I don’t know if it’s related to the robbery, but the fact that the truck forced me off the road and they were coming from the direction of the robbery makes it possible that they were involved.”

“Thank you for the information. You…didn’t happen to see the license plate number, did you?” Detective Houston asked.

“No, sorry. I saw two men were in the front seat of the truck. The truck had darkly tinted windows, so I couldn’t make out their faces.” Nate had only been able to make that much out because of his wolf’s night vision, and the streetlights helped too.
