Page 53 of Lawless Princes

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He shakes his head, but I know he’s hiding shit from me. I can see it written all over his face. When people lie, they are far too obvious. Even him, a trained fucking assassin. He’s no match for me.

“He’s not anywhere near here,” he spews as he tries to show off his false bravado that does nothing but annoy me.

Rolling my eyes, I chuckle. “Oh, I know he isn’t. But you know where he is. So perhaps you should come clean.”

“I’m here on another job. It has nothing to do—”

I push the knife in further, causing it to slice through flesh. Blood spurts from the wound, and the sound of an agonised scream echoes in my ears.

“See, now look what you made me do,” I tell him as I smile.

Perhaps I’m a psychopath—I seem to be enjoying this just a little too much. It’s been far too long since I let myself go. Over the weeks Brielle’s been here, she’s softened me. I need to find myself again.

Here he is… the crazy fucking psycho who likes to cut people up. I pull the knife from the dick of my captive, and I press it to his lips.

“If you open wide like a good boy, maybe I’ll let you live.”

This part of my job is always fun, watching arseholes squirm as they try to act strong, but I can see they’re not. I like it when they attempt to fight back. It’s as if they want me to hurt them. And I’ll gladly accept the challenge.

“Fuck you, Venier,” he spits as his expression flashes rage.

It’s exactly what I want. I’d a feeling he wouldn’t spill anything, so I thrust the blade into his mouth and fuck his throat with it. Watching the metal slide over his tongue before it opens up the throat and then the neck.

I’m caked in crimson by the time I’m done, and I haven’t been hard like this since the night I fucked Brielle in the shower.

I drop the knife on the metal tray and click my fingers. The men who accompanied me into the dungeon can clean this mess up. I have something better to be doing. I should have gone straight upstairs earlier, but I wanted to see if this piece of shit had anything useful for me. He didn’t.

As I make my way back up through the house and take the stairs two at a time, I wonder what I’ll find when I walk into Brielle’s bedroom. She may think it belongs to her, but each room in this house has a history.

Hers…well, let’s just say she isn’t the first girl to get fucked in there, but she’s the only one who won’t be leaving in the morning.

She glances up at me when I walk in. I’m covered in blood, but I don’t intend to explain. I don’t give a shit what she thinks of me right now. I need to escape into the shadows and forget the world outside exists.

Without saying a word, I unbutton my shirt and allow it to fall to the floor. The clink of my belt echoes in the room as I lower my trousers and step out of them. Socks go next, but I leave my underwear on.

I’m not ready to be completely bared to her. Not again, anyway.

Her leg is still covered in a dressing from where she was shot. She’s struggling to move easily, but as she lies back on the bed with Kai beside her, I enjoy the view of her body.

“She’s going to be the ruin of us,” Valen says softly from behind me, his lips whispering along my jaw. His warmth washes over me as I watch her with Kai.

We all know Brielle is a seductress. She walked into our lives and turned them upside down. I didn’t expect towantto fall in love with her, but I find I can’t stop myself craving every part of her. Every moment of every fucking day, it’s exhausting.

“It scares you. Doesn’t it?” Val whispers.

He knows me too well. I don’t have to answer. My hardened cock throbs at the sight of Brielle’s shimmering lips wrapped round Kai’s erection. So many times, over the years, we’ve enjoyed sharing girls in this bedroom, but none of them were like Brielle. She’s not a one-night stand. She’s ours, and she’s here to stay.

Valen’s hand grips my dick through my boxers, and I stifle the groan of pleasure as he squeezes me then slowly strokes me over the material. Tonight, pleasures of the flesh can be explored and enjoyed, but come tomorrow morning, Brielle will be sent off to finalise the details of the wedding, our wedding.

There are details she needs to confirm, her dress needs to be finished, and I’m not even sure what the fuck else there is. But for tonight, we’ll get lost in each other.

Desire is a dangerous game. It steals you from your everyday life, leading you into temptation you never thought you’d fall prey to. And yet, here I am, the cold-hearted bastard, with my best friends and the girl I want nothing more than to fuck and kill. Perhaps, even at the same time.

“She still needs to tell us more,” I say as Valen teases precum from my dick. I’m leaking, throbbing, but I won’t give in, not yet. The more I stay on edge, the better the orgasm will be.

“Are you joining us?” Kai calls, stealing both mine and Valen’s attention.

“I will,” I say as I smile at both men.

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