Page 51 of Lawless Princes

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Blood spurts from the neck of the man Kai has in a stranglehold, and it doesn’t take him long to gurgle his last breath and fall to the ground.

“Are you okay, princess?” Kai is by my side, lifting me into his arms.

He carries me into the dining room that looks like a hurricane has been through it. More of Judah’s men are here now—more soldiers, Capos, and even a few of Kai’s students.

“We’re at war,” Judah declares as he walks up to us, his hazel eyes hard and cold as they land on me.

I don’t want to hear what he’s going to say next, but I know I don’t have a choice. Something has happened. Something I prayed would never come.

And then he says it…

“Your father has started something he’s never going to be able to finish.”



“You’re hurt,”Judah says as he looks at me while I’m working on Brielle. “I’ll get—”

“I’m fine.” I tell Judah who’s staring at the wound in my side.

It’s not fatal. He doesn’t need to worry, but he always does. That’s the reason I fucking love this man so much. He and Valen have always been by my side, and I could never live in a world without either of them. And now Brielle is a part of our dynamic.

“You’re going to need stitching,” Judah says. “I’ll do it.” We’ve all been trained in how to deal with injuries. It’s important to know how to fix any wound in our line of work. More importantly, how to get a bullet out. “Sit down, let Valen work on Brielle’s leg.”

Sighing, I settle beside our girl and allow Jude to take control of the situation. The pain of the bullet is taking its toll on me, and I know I’m going to have to allow him to remove the fucker. I lie back as Valen gets to work on Brielle, and I wince when Judah makes a small incision around the bullet entry site. I’ve been through this so many times before, but it never gets any easier.

“Everyone out,” Judah announces loudly, ordering the men to leave, his tone filled with ice. “I want the grounds thoroughly searched. Do not leave any stone unturned. If there are more intruders, I want them found and brought to the dungeon.”

Judah lifts the tweezers from my wound, having captured the bullet between the prongs. The clink of metal hitting metal when he drops it into the bowl beside him echoes around us. And then, the stitches start. Thankfully, I don’t need too many.

Once I’m all fixed up, I’m on my feet and worried about our princess. I’m thankful she hasn’t been hurt badly, and when she looks up at me with that sparkling gaze, my chest tightens.

Once we have our privacy, Judah moves to the windows, shutting us in the dimly lit room as Valen finishes up working on Brielle’s leg. A soft gasp from her lips as my fingertips brush up her inner thigh makes me smile. The pain from the wound must be horrific for her, but I wonder if we could distract her in some way.

“How are you feeling?” I whisper as I lean in to press my lips to hers. It’s a gentle feather of a kiss, and it makes her tremble.

“It hurts some, but I’m alive,” she tells me. “You’re worse off than I am.”

I chuckle. “I’m a big boy, I’ll be okay.”

A quick glance at Valen is evidence enough that he has the same idea of distraction in mind. He scoots up on the table next to Brielle and pulls her into his arms. She’s no longer shaking, which is a good sign.

Judah joins us, a glass of water in hand.

“Drink this,” he commands Brielle who accepts without question. She must be in shock still because she doesn’t argue with him. It’s the first time I haven’t seen them at odds. He takes the glass once she’s done and sets it down. “Do you want to go to bed?”

“Please,” she replies in a whisper.

Valen takes the lead and scoops her up. We move through the wreckage and make our way upstairs to her room. Val sets her down on the bed that’s large enough for us all to fit. I sit at her feet and help her out of her clothes. The leggings are discarded to the floor, but her panties stay on. The lacy material is tight against her pussy, and it has my cock throbbing to be inside her again.

Judah is on her left, and as he looks at her, I can finally see the affection he feels for her. I’ve witnessed him look at me and Valen like that, but never Brielle. Then, he smirks as he pulls her in for a kiss.

I settle on the bed, making sure to keep pressure off the wound, and I spread Brielle’s legs wide, so I can run my nose along her inner thigh. The bite of pain from my side doesn’t even register when I lean in to lap at her underwear, teasing her cunt through the thin material.

She smells like heaven and tastes like sin.

Valen’s mouth captures her one nipple while Judah sucks on the other. She’s nothing more than a pliable vessel for us to enjoy. When Valen’s mouth pops off Brielle’s nipple, he shifts towards me, and pushing to my knees, I offer him my tongue, to taste our girl.

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