Page 48 of Lawless Princes

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“Good plan. Getting in front with your work will make the courses a lot easier. That’s what I did. And when you’re ready, we’ll work some more on your fighting skills. Now you’ll be taking over the Venier family, alongside Judah, you’ll need to know it all.”

“I can’t wait.”

When Brielle first arrived here, I never once expected her to feel this way about the life laid before her, but I think everything has changed. Something’s clicked, and now she’s ours.

“And we’ll all have dinner tonight,” I tell her.

Emilio is leaving for the mainland, and Jordan will no doubt be out with any one of a number of girls he frequently has on his arm. So it will be just the four of us, and tonight will be something of a confession circle.

“I’d like that,” Brielle replies. “Thank you for telling me about yourself. I know you didn’t have to open up, but I cherish your honesty. It means a lot to me.”

“You’ll always get honesty from the Princes, even if you don’t want it. It’s something we agreed amongst ourselves, years ago. We’ve all grown up with lies, and we don’t believe they bring anything but destruction.”

“See you later,” Brielle says as she leaves me with my thoughts.

I’ll have a class of students here soon, and as much as I’d rather spend the afternoon with her, I know I’m going to have to focus.

I feel good, lighter, now she knows.

I just hope we can move forward after dinner tonight when all those hidden truths will be revealed. No more lies, and no more fucking secrets.



It’s almost dinner time,but my mind is still on what Kai told me about his past. It can’t be easy living with the reminder that you killed your mother.

With all the secrets slowly making themselves known, I feel as if I’m spinning in the dark, and bits of light keep blinding me. Never did I think I’d come to care for these men. Each of them broken in some way. Which has me worried about what Valen’s story is.

When I make my way into the dining room, the three of them are there already, waiting on me. Nerves flutter in my belly as I glance at each one, their eyes focused on me. I’m pretty sure they know I’ve spoken with Kai and he’s admitted to his past.

“Join us,” Judah tells me as he leans back in this chair at the head of the table.

To his right, there’s an empty seat, and beside that, Valen sits with a small smile on his face. To Judah’s left is Kai.

They’re all dressed in button-up shirts, no ties, but each one looks incredibly handsome. I settle in the chair that Judah points to, the one between him and Valen.

“Did you have a good day?” Judah questions as he flicks those hazel eyes my way.

“Yes, it was eye-opening,” I respond, allowing my eyes to dance towards Kai. He offers me a smile, and a slight nod before I look back at Judah. “I think it was much needed after everything that’s come to light.”

“And you’re not afraid,” Judah says, which confirms that Kai has told him what he shared with me. I’m glad he has because I don’t want any more secrets.

“Why would I be?” I look at Judah.

He shrugs. “Most women would be. This isn’t an easy life, especially when you’re not used to it. Violence isn’t exactly a choice you make. Being part of the organisation doesn’t allow many freedoms.”

“There are few choices in this life, and I’ve come to terms with it, Judah. I’m not a child,” I throw back. “But the truth is, I don’t want to run anymore. I’m tired of hiding.”

“Then there will be no more hiding,” Judah says. “You now know Kai’s story. And soon, you’ll learn Valen’s.”

I look over at the man in question, and he offers a nod. With the wedding getting closer each day, I know I’m going to need to learn all there is to know about my fiancé as well. I doubt it’s going to be all good, but whatever happens, I know I’m in this forever.

There is no escaping what was set in motion years ago. The families are strict about contracts, and my name sits on one where my father gave me away to the Veniers.

Just then, two of the staff I’ve come to know, over my time being here, walk in with steaming plates of food in hand. They set down all the serving dishes, along with shiny silver spoons. It smells delicious, and my stomach agrees with a soft rumble.

I haven’t eaten since this morning, so I’m ready to devour anything put in front of me. The amount of pasta on the table is shocking. With only four of us, I’m pretty sure a lot of it will go to waste. I hope the staff is able to enjoy any leftovers.

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