Page 36 of Lawless Princes

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I stop the car at the entrance to the house and hand her a set of keys.

“Go inside,” I tell her.

I wait for her to argue, but she doesn’t, and I’m shocked by this. Her fire has been constant, but right now, she’s being obedient, and I wonder what brought on the change.

It can’t be our talk.

It can’t be feelings.

There can be no emotions between us, not yet, and not right now.


I watch her go inside, and I lean my head back against the seat. I don’t know what to do with her, but I’m equally convinced she’s not sure how to handle me either.



Since the nightof the party, I’ve been mainly focused on my studies and training with Kai.

He got permission from Judah to show me how to use a knife. It’s small and sleek, making it easy to hide and carry around with me. The plan is to have it on me at all times, which means I’ll be armed if anything was to happen.

I haven’t been able to find any time to be alone with Judah so we can talk again. He’s been avoiding me, and it hurts, deep down, but I understand why. He didn’t expect me to take the first step towards making our relationship amicable. If I’m being honest, I didn’t think I would do it either.

When I get back to the house from university, it’s almost dark out and I know they’re going to lose their minds. I was meant to meet with Kai, but I got sidetracked in the library, and now I’m running late for everything.

I push open the door, and the moment I step inside, I’m practically assaulted by testosterone emanating from not one but three alpha males as they glare at me.

“Sorry I’m late.” It’s all I can offer, and it’s a lot more than they’re owed.

I’m not a child, and they don’t have to worry about me, especially since I’m now armed and ready for anything. But the look on Judah’s face tells me my apology’s not going to work.

I should just turn around and walk back out, but instead, I shut the door behind me and set my bag down near the stairs. They don’t speak, they just stare.

“I was in the library. I needed to finish my assignment and lost track of time, but now I’m here. I’m safe and sound.” I’ve no idea why I’m still talking, it’s not like it’s going to make any difference to them.

“Come,” Judah finally says as he takes my arm and tugs me down the long hallway, passing by his office, until we get to an ominous, wooden door.

I watch as he unlocks it and it swings open, and then we’re moving forward once more. Only now, we’re taking steps down into the darkness. He moves slowly, giving me time to catch up. The other two men are following close behind, and I can feel the anger radiating from all of them.

When we reach the bottom, a switch is flicked, and we’re bathed in a soft yellow glow. There’s a strange, damp smell coming from all around us, and I shiver when an icy chill travels up my spine.

“What is this?” I ask as we come to a stop at the end of a gloomy hallway that’s lined with doors.

I can’t see anything beyond the closed, metal doors, so I can only imagine what goes on down here.

“This is where people who don’t obey us spend some time,” Judah tells me as he pulls one of the heavy steel doors open.

It screeches as it trails across the floor. Inside, the cell is tiny, but it’s enough to house a bed and a bucket that I can only assume is for bodily functions.

When I look at Judah, I realise what he’s trying to tell me without coming right out and saying it. My stomach drops, and my heart leaps into my throat as fear takes over. I thought we were past the hate and anger, but clearly, we’re not.

“You’re not putting me in there,” I bite out, but I’m quickly shoved forward, sent sprawling into the room and locked inside. A small window opens in the secured door, and all I can see are the hazel eyes of my fiancé, looking through the gap. “You fucking bastard!”

“If you can’t learn to obey our rules, then you’ll have to spend some time in here,” he tells me, his voice has an icy chill to it.

“Come on, man, let’s leave her,” Valen says.

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