Page 3 of Lawless Princes

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His last will and testament was clear—never let go of your legacy. And I don’t intend to. But as my private jet lands and we taxi down the runway, I have a sinking feeling in my gut. I’m almost certain there’ll be another surprise from Dad now I’m nearing twenty-five.

The family business is import and export. Our allies and clients are Sicilian mafia, and when they call, we answer without question. But that’s not why I’ve travelled to the Italian mainland. I got a call from my father’s lawyer yesterday, requesting my presence at his office. Usually, I’d have him fly out to the island, but he said there was something I needed to collect.

He didn’t tell me what it was, even though I asked. I wonder if it has anything to do with the university that sits on the isle. My great-grandfather founded Black Hollow Elite when he was my age. He brought in faculty members from all over the world to teach the students extra-curricular subjects that don’t get taught in regular higher-education institutions.

It’s a private university that takes up half the isle and only accepts students from families who show loyalty to the Venier family and our allies. You don’t necessarily have to be blood-related to anyone who is already a Made Man, but you must show you’re willing to do anything, and I do mean anything, to join.

Students who are accepted learn a variety of skills including different fighting techniques, how to go undercover to garner information from rivals, and even how to establish and maintain business relations with criminal organisations. Most of those who attend are specially chosen from around the world and brought to the island to study. The rest of the students who are admitted, though, have had to beg and plead to join.

We don’t accept everyone. All the applications are considered, but we do thorough background checks before we decide who can attend. It doesn’t mean we never admit those who try to take us down—it happens more often than we’d like. However, we have learnt how to deal with shit like that, and every enemy we do find pays the price.

Living this life leads you to be colder than most, but it also ensures our safety. Black Hollow is my pride and joy, a gift from my father, but as much as I enjoy running the university, it takes its toll.

Most of the students come from old money. Blue bloods. And that’s where the Lawless Princes—me, Jordan, Val, Kai, and Emilio come in. We are the rulers of Black Hollow Isle, and our small group of friends will do anything to ensure we stay together and are safe. We’ll draw blood from our own family members if they are disloyal, disobey, or betray what’s ours.

As the sun sets on a long, drawn out day, I disembark and head for the limo waiting to take me to my destination. Meetings are my least favourite thing, but with my father gone, I have no choice. I’m the eldest, which makes me the one who has to lead.

“We’re here, Mr Venier,” the driver says after sliding down the partition that separates us. “I’ll wait.” He’s been with the family for so long, I don’t remember a time I haven’t seen him around the house and grounds.

“Thank you.”

Pushing open the car door, I exit the vehicle into the sticky summer air. It’s humid and I wish I was sitting on the beach with a handful of pretty women around me, rather than standing outside the offices of Hamilton & Associates in a fucking suit.

When Trevor Hamilton moved from London to Reggio Calabria to work for my father, he gave up his life for the Venier clan. Even though he has other clients, we are his priority, and we always will be.

Inside the air-conditioned office, I find a receptionist who looks as old as time. She glances up and I realise it’s Hamilton’s wife. I’ve only met her a couple of times, and I was much younger then.

“Mr Venier,” she says with a kind, warm smile, and for a moment, I miss not having my parents and grandparents, but I quash the emotion quickly and offer her a nod.

There’s no need to show emotion to anyone. The only people who see mefeelare Kai and Val, the two men I trust the most with my life.

Any time an Underboss is about to step up into the role of the Boss of the family, he’s watched like a hawk. Weaknesses can be exploited, which means I can’t show any. I must be the cold-hearted son of the former most dangerous man in Italy. My father may no longer be around, but he’s still remembered and feared. I want to be like that one day, and with each calculated move I make, I’m ensuring my name will be right up there with my father’s.

“It’s nice to see you, Mrs Hamilton,” I tell her. “I have a meeting with Mr H.”

I stop at her desk, waiting as she picks up the phone and taps out a number before pressing the device to her ear.

The woman is friendly enough, but I can tell she’s not entirely comfortable with me standing over her. It’s something I’ve noticed when I’m around people—they look at me with fear, but there’s also a hint of respect. I don’t know if it’s because of the name I carry, or if they’ve heard about the things I’ve done.

“Mr Venier has arrived, shall I send him up?” She listens for a long while before nodding and placing the receiver on the desk. “You’re welcome to go up. He’s in his office.”

“Thank you,” I offer before I leave her and make my way to the lift.

It’s not a skyscraper, so the ride up doesn’t take long. When the doors slide open, I’m deposited outside a set of double, mahogany doors. The heavy wood muffles the sounds from inside the office, but the moment I push them open, I’m met with two men I’ve never seen before as well as Hamilton himself. They’re all seated, and their eyes land on me when I enter.

“Ah, Judah,” Hamilton greets me by my first name, instead of adhering to the usual formalities.

He pushes to his feet and rounds his desk with a wide grin on his face. When he reaches me, he takes my hand in his and pulls me into the kind of one-armed hug I usually reserve for my friends. But I allow it.

“It’s nice to see you again, Mr H,” I say, keeping up the pretence of familiarity he so clearly wants to display.

I’m not sure who these men are, but something about them doesn’t sit well with me. Whenever I walk into a room, I’ve learnt from my father to always take in every detail of anyone I meet. Whether they’ve got weapons, where their hands are placed at their sides, and if there’s a hint of nervousness in their demeanour. The men watch the interaction between my father’s solicitor and me with interest.

Hamilton leads me to a chair that’s situated opposite his desk. From this vantage point, I can study the men in more detail. One of them is dressed in a dark, pinstripe suit, bright red tie, and a crisp white shirt. His hair is dark, and his eyes are as black as night. He pushes to his feet, holding out his hand to me. I don’t move, because I don’t know who he is and I don’t trust anyone. I leave his hand hanging in the air, and when he realises I’m not going to shake it, he clears his throat as he pulls it back and nervously straightens his cuffs.

“Nice to finally meet you. I’m Mr Juliano,” he says, his Italian accent thick around the words. “I work for Mr Saviatti,” he informs me, and I quickly recognise the name.

Emilio, one of the Lawless Princes, is a Saviatti. He doesn’t use the last name, and I don’t blame him. If my father ignored the fact I’m alive, I wouldn’t want any link to him either.

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