Page 17 of Lawless Princes

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It’s an idea. I can have men follow Saviatti, and I can have someone look into any communications he’s been making.

“I’ll call The Agency,” I tell Valen. “They can have a team out within the hour. The more we can find out the better. In the meantime, I think we should keep her close. Her father is undoubtedly going to be meeting with the Bosses, and when he does, I want to know what’s said.”

“Saviatti did give her to you as if she was nothing more than a bartering chip. Perhaps this has something to do with your father. There could be so many reasons we can’t see, yet.” Valen shrugs as he looks at me, the worry in his eyes clear.

My best friend is right—he tends to be right more often than not. He’s also level-headed and doesn’t fire back quickly. Instead, he’ll ponder something and look at all possible angles before acting. For someone who loves the kill as much as he does, I’m surprised just how composed he can be. Perhaps he works out all his frustration on the bastards we torture.

I enjoy inflicting pain, weeding out information by any means necessary, and the men on this island know that. They won’t ever overstep where I’m concerned. I’ve earned the respect and fear of those around me. And I’m proud of it. But Valen has a blood lust unmatched by anyone else in our circle. It’s what makes him special.

“Her father’s still alive,” I tell Valen. “What makes you think he hasn’t planned this? He could have sent her here to gain intel. The bastard became an informant, went into WitSec, and now he’s allowed his daughter back into the lion’s den.”

My office door swings open, and Kai saunters in as if he owns the fucking place. We’re all three the same age, Kai turns twenty-five a few weeks after me. The only difference is, he’ll remain Underboss for a while longer because his father has a hold on their organisation and doesn’t want to let go.

“What’s happening?” Kai asks, settling down on the red-wine coloured sofa that creaks as the leather bows under his weight.

The bastard is six-two, just like me, but he’s broader and heavier set than I am. It’s all the time he spends in the gym. I’m a runner, whereas Kai loves the heaviest of fucking weights. He’s managed to bulk out, building muscle, and I can’t deny, he looks good.

Val prefers fighting. Any martial arts he can learn, he will, and he does it fucking well. It’s given him a slim physique with taut, toned muscles. We’re all three very different, but also, we have so many similarities.

“Judah was just telling me about his concerns over the pretty little thing we have in our home,” Val says with a sly smile curling his lips. Bastard.

“Oh?” This has Kai perking up. “So, this is about the fresh pussy we have to play with?” He laughs, and his eyes narrow, crinkling at the sides.

My frustration with both my friends is at an all-time high.

“She’s notfresh pussy,” I bite out before pushing to my feet and rounding the desk. Valen stands, his face inches from mine, and my blood turns hot. “She’s…”

I am not even sure what to call her. But she isn’t like the other girls we bring home, have our fun with, and send packing. As much as I would love to see Brielle walk out of here and never return, I can’t do it. Going back on my father’s last wish would break down connections. I must be the obedient heir to the throne.

“What is she then, Jude?” Val asks me, his tone taking on a darker grit, while his gaze burns me. “Because you can’t tell me you haven’t noticed how beautiful she is, I know you’d be lying if you did. And you can’t stop the fact you’re destined to walk down the aisle and bring her into this family.”

I know exactly what he means when he saysfamily.It’s more than the blood running through my veins. It’s far more than the connections built in the organisation—he’s talking about the three of us.

“Into this dynamic,” I add with a nod recognising what he means.

I can’t stop myself from reaching for Val’s face, my fingers digging into his chin as I pull him nearer. Our lips brush against each other. I want to kiss him, but before I do, I smile. I love him, I’ve loved him for a very long time. With a quick glance at Kai, I arch a brow and grin. Both men are mine, as I am theirs. We have belonged together since we first felt the emotions for each other coursing through us—it just took us some time to admit to them.

Glancing back at Valen, I whisper along his lips, “She’s a spy.” My cock throbs when he reaches for it through my slacks. His fingers tightening, squeezing as he holds my hardening dick in his hand. My zipper becomes impossibly tight. “She needs to be dealt with in the only way we know how.”

“You think she’s a hidden threat?” This comes from Kai as he joins us.

He’s always been the peacekeeper between Valen and me. Even though he’s the one who enjoys hand to hand combat, he’s more of a lover than anything else.

“I don’t think we should trust her, that’s all. There’s nothing more to talk about now. I’m done with this back and forth. She’s here to stay, so we need to weed out any information we can,” I say as I step back from the guys. “We have to remember, a threat can lurk anywhere, even inside our own organisations.”

I turn away, focusing my attention on the gardens. I’ve inherited a world that keeps us away from our adversaries, away from the life my brothers and I grew up in. But even so, there’s no escape from those who want to kill us. We may be feared by many, but still there are those who want to take us down.

And that’s why Brielle’s father is on my radar. He offered up his daughter as if she was a sacrifice. It doesn’t make sense to me. However, there’s nothing we can’t uncover. She may intend to keep her secrets, but they won’t stay hidden for very long.

“Maybe it’s because he finally wants to return,” Val suggests. “I mean, he must realise his daughter could be in danger. Or maybe, while he was in London, he got himself into some trouble with the mafia there, and agreeing to give Brielle to you means he knows she’ll be safe.”

“True,” Kai says as he turns to the window. “He could have come to the conclusion it’s his only option.” We stand at the window, looking out over the island. I ponder their words as I focus on what I own.

The view from my office overlooks the rest of the island. The Venier estate stands on one side of the isle, on a cliff top above the crashing waves. And the university is on the other side. From here, I can see the campus in the far distance, and nestled in the middle of the island are the dorms, houses, and shops that occupy the rest of Black Hollow.

There’s an unparalleled beauty on the island.

But there’s also danger—dark and foreboding.

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