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“I can never deny you, my queen. My heart.” He kisses me again, his fangs grazing my lips as he lies me down on my fur cloak. “But I cannot be gentle. Not with this claiming.” He swipes my hair from my neck and kisses along my throat. “I must mark you so that every male knows you belong to me, to the king of winter, to the one who will bring their death if they dare harm you.” He reaches down and hikes my dress up.

When his fingertips delve into my panties and stroke my sensitive spot, my back arches. “Wet for me, little one.” He kisses my chest, then moves down my body. With a yank, he rips my panties away. The low growl that rumbles through his chest sets me alight, and I moan when he presses my thighs apart with his big palms.

“Perfect.” He kisses me.

I jolt, but he holds my hips and presses his face against me. His tongue moves along my flesh, tasting every bit of me before swirling around my clit. I grip the silky fur as he delves lower and presses his tongue inside me.

“Leander!” I gasp and writhe, my core tightening with each move he makes.

He moves back up, his tongue committing delicious sins against me as I moan and clutch at his hair. This is what it means to be devoured. My breath hitches, and my hips lock, my legs spread wide. He laves me with the broad side of his tongue, then focuses on my clit again. I can’t stop the tension, the heat. I cry his name as I shatter under the stars and the snow. He growls against my skin as I fall again and again into the bliss he’s giving me. I pull his hair as my back arches again, my body under his command as he pulls aftershocks from me.

When he prowls back up my body, he licks his lips. “Your taste is honey on my tongue, little one.”

“Oh my god.” Greedy for more, I lift my hips to him.

He smirks, cold and feral but also scorching hot. “My mate must have what she wants.” He grips the front of my dress and with total ease, tears it down the middle.

Chest to chest, he takes my mouth again, sharing my taste with me as he cups a breast with one hand. His thumb rakes over my hard nipple, and I squirm under his touch. He does it again and again, sending shockwaves through me that all end between my thighs. I can feel how wet I am, but I’m too far gone to care.

He kisses to my neck, nibbling below my ear. I dig my nails into his shoulders, unable to keep my passion inside. He throws his head back and howls, and I lean up and bite his chest. With another growl, he grips my hair and holds me in place as he kisses to my breasts.

So much sensation rushes through me, and I wonder if I can survive this. When he claims one hard nipple in his mouth, I cry out. A deep purr rumbles through him as he licks and sucks each breast until I’m panting again, my body desperate for more. When he returns to my throat, heat coils inside me as his hard length presses against my thigh.

“I can wait no longer, my mate.” He sits back and reaches down to his pants.

“I want to do it.” I sit up and press kisses to his bare chest, the skin warm despite the maelstrom of ice swirling around us. My touches are tentative at first, but when I brush my tongue over his nipple, he grips my hair, pulling me closer and urging me on. I nip at his abs as I slide lower along his taut body. Gripping his pants, I tug at the leather tie. With confidence borne of sheer desire, I pull them down.

He takes my hand and guides it to him, wrapping my fingers around his thick shaft as I stare at it. “The way you look at me, little one. I can feel what you want.”

He guides my hand up and down along the smooth, hard skin. A small bead of wetness appears on the tip, and I lean down, dabbing it with my tongue. His grip on my hair tightens as I give it another taste and run my tongue along his head. When his hips jerk forward, I feel powerful, in control, and more than anything, desperately ready for the rest of him.

“You tease me.” He pushes me back and prowls on top of me, his mouth taking mine again as he presses between my thighs, rubbing up and down along my wetness. Each time he grazes my clit, my need for him grows. He knows it, too, because he speeds his pace, his head hitting me just right as his tongue masters mine.

I spread my legs wider and hold onto his shoulders.

“My mate.” He stares down at me as he lines up at my entrance. “I prayed for you for so long.” His hungry eyes fill with a tenderness that takes me by surprise. “You are so much more than I ever dreamed.”

I lean up and kiss him, sharing my breath, my soul, my love. “I’ve wished for you too.” Lying back, I hold his gaze. “Take me.”

The tenderness falls away, and the feral takes over, pure desire lighting his eyes and setting my pulse on a reckless course. I want all of it. All of him.

“Mine,” he growls.

With a hard shove, he seats himself inside me. The link between us snaps tight, and a rush of emotion crashes into me. Wonder, need, and love—all of them so intense that I can’t catch my breath. And then I realize these are Leander’s emotions. At the same time, I know I’m his and he is mine. And then? The pleasure that floods me is like a supernova. Our joining heightens everything—my senses, the feel of him against me, the love that blossoms in my heart.

I arch against him, my breasts pressing into his hard chest as I claw down his back. Pulling out, he pushes in again. I expect more pain, but all I feel is a slight pinch and the incredible sensation of fullness.

“Leander.” I move my hips, and he growls against my skin. “Please.” I don’t know what I’m asking for. I just know I want more.

“My perfect mate. Give me everything.” He starts a rhythm, his body contracting and surging forward as I take everything he gives me. He claims my mouth again, his tongue working in tandem with the rest of him, taking and filling me as I open myself to him. He groans and pushes harder, faster, his body owning mine as the snow intensifies around us.

I close my eyes, and focus on his touch, but he nips at my lip. “Open your eyes, little one. I want to see you come apart for me.”

I meet his dark gaze, my insides molten and my core tightening with each stroke. His fangs seem to lengthen even more, the tips lethal. Why does that make me hotter? I lean up and lick one. He growls and kisses me, tasting the hint of blood from my tongue. With an animal roar, he thrusts harder, and I hang on, my nails digging into his back as I give myself over to him.

Each impact hits me just right, sending me higher. And when he stays deep and grinds against me, I think I might lose my mind.

“I can feel you clenching me, begging for my seed.” He holds my gaze as he pumps his hips, and my legs begin to shake. “I will give you what you want, little one. I will coat you in me so that no other male will ever doubt who you belong to. Would you like that?” His low voice is gravelly, sex in a sound.

“Yes.” I shudder, my heels digging into the backs of his thighs.

“Mine, little one. You’re mine forever. Say it.” He grinds against me, stealing every bit of thought until I run on nothing more than animal instinct.

“I’m yours, forever.”

“Promise me.” He runs his lips along my jaw.

I already know it’s true, the bond between us unbreakable. “I promise.”

“I love you, Taylor. My mate. My queen. And I will be yours forever. I promise.”

The sting of magic ripples across my body, and he thrusts hard and deep, then sinks his fangs into my shoulder.

I come so hard that my vision goes black for a moment. Everything inside me falls apart, pleasure shooting through me like fireworks across a dark sky. The bliss comes in waves, rolling over me and drowning me in the most perfect sensations—release coated in love and sealed with completion. I hold onto Leander as he thrusts again. His body tenses even more, and he roars against my skin as he comes, his hot seed filling me as my body is caught in the delicious throes of ecstasy. He doesn’t release his hold on my shoulder, his fangs marking me so deeply that I can feel his claim on my soul. His pleasure filters through me, and I feel his love as it dances and entwines with mine.

When the orgasm slows and only pleasant echoes remain, I relax, my arms falling to my sides. I gulp in the chilly air and try to calm my rampaging heart.

He gingerly releases his bite, and I can’t be bothered to care about the hint of pain. Staring down at me, his mouth twists into a satisfied smile, my blood lingering on his lips. Why is that hot? It shouldn’t be. But it is.

“Mine.” He kisses me gently.

“Mine.” I lean up and bite his bottom lip.

His answering growl turns me to mush. He pushes me back down onto the fur and kisses me into a stupor all over again as the snow swirls, the icy wind blows, and I give my heart away—all at the king of winter’s command.



“More?” I offer Taylor another snowberry.

“I’m stuffed.” She snuggles down in our furs as a roaring fire crackles nearby.

“Just one more?” I wave it in front of her plump lips, bruised from my kisses.

“You are always trying to fatten me up.” She opens her mouth, and I slide the berry onto her waiting tongue.

“I must provide for my mate.” I watch as she chews, and my gaze travels to the bite at her shoulder. It’s still red, the skin angry, but my mark will never be questioned. She is mine as I am hers.

“You’re a giant wolf.” Her eyes drift closed.

“At least I’m not a unicorn, right?” I kiss her forehead.

Her nose wrinkles. “Ugh.”

“So you like the wolf?”

“I love him.” The wrinkles flatten out. “I think I’ll keep him.”

I kiss her, the snowberry tart and Taylor sweet. Claiming her again is on my mind, but as it was her first time, I know I must give her time to recover. Surely, no more than an hour at most. I run my fingers along her pink cheek as she falls asleep. I can feel her slumber through the bond, the quieting of her mind. It’s so much stronger now, and I only hope it grows more so each day.

Gareth and the others are gathered by the fire, and they sneak glances at us every so often. I can’t blame them. Beth has been complaining loudly about missing the mating ever since we made camp.
