Page 80 of Distracted

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Only when Damon pulled out bulletproof vests did Kane relax just a touch. The guys moved quickly, grabbing what was needed, and we were out the door in a matter of minutes.

The drive here had been tense. Kane was on edge, I was terrified, and Damon was merely trying to talk us both through how things were going to go down.

Since he worked in the kidnap and ransom unit, this type of thing was his specialty. Essentially, the plan was for me to go in wearing my bulletproof vest beneath my clothes, along with a hidden body camera. It was the best way to give the guys the lay of the land before they entered and took control of the situation. Once I managed to locate Ainsley, Damon promised they’d be inside in less than a minute.

One minute.

I could survive one minute.

Of course, that would all depend on what, or who, they encountered as they came inside.

But even if Ainsley and I only had to stick it out for a matter of two or three minutes, I knew we could do it. Because not only did I have on a vest, but Kane had equipped me with a handgun.

The goal was to not have to use it, but it was reassuring to know I had it if I needed it. I’d never been more grateful that I’d decided to have him start teaching me how to use it.

“I still don’t like this.”

That came from Kane.

The three of us had just gotten out of the car, and he’d met me at the driver’s side door. “I’m going to be okay.”

“Please be careful,” he begged.

“I’ve got everything you’ve taught me in my back pocket,” I reminded him. “Patrick will never expect me to have any moves to use against him.”

Kane reached out and gripped the back of my arms just above my elbows. “I don’t want you to have to use any moves. This is supposed to be my job.”

It was no sense to argue that point, so I said, “It will be. My job is to save my sister. Your job is to save me.”

He let out a frustrated sigh.

“I have to go,” I told him, not liking the fact that I was already late. There was no telling if Patrick was going to get impatient.

Kane brought his hands up to frame my face. After pressing a sweet kiss to my lips, he ordered, “Remember what Damon told you on the way here. Make sure you follow those instructions word for word.”

“I will,” I promised.

After giving me one more kiss, Kane opened the car door and helped me inside. He continued to hold my hand for several more seconds, and I could see how much he was struggling.

“Kane,” I whispered, my heart unable to stand the troubled look in his eyes.

Recognizing the fact that I had to go, he gave my hand one final squeeze before he let it go and closed the door.

Then, so that I wouldn’t chicken out, I immediately started driving away. But when I glanced up into the rearview mirror, I noticed that Kane hadn’t moved. He stood there, watching me, and it broke my heart to see how troubled he was by all of this.

I had to stop.

I needed to focus.

If ever there was a life-or-death situation, this was it. There was no question that this wasn’t the time to be distracted.

So, I redirected my attention to the road in front of me, promising myself not to look back, and before I knew it, I was pulling into the driveway of the house I had abhorred.

As I came to a stop, I noted that nothing seemed out of sorts or unusual.

Since I was unsure how willing Patrick was going to be to wait for me to arrive, I decided I couldn’t wait any longer to attempt to prepare myself to go inside. This was it.

I exited the vehicle and walked up to the front door, where I rang the doorbell. My heart began pounding hard in my chest, and there was no chance I could miss the awful trembling across my body.
