Page 66 of Distracted

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I’d already known that his body was gorgeous before I saw him without a shirt on, but I never expected it would be as spectacular as it was. My palms itched to touch him, and fortunately, he didn’t make me ask.

His body came over me again, his mouth capturing mine once more. My legs parted and came around him as my hands went on a journey across his shoulders and back.

He was warm, strong, and heavy. And for the time being, he was mine. I was going to take these moments and store them somewhere safe. I wanted all the memories of Kane touching and tasting all of me that I could get.

I wanted to remember the feel of his heated skin beneath my fingertips. I never wanted to forget the way his featherlight touch felt on my body.

His mouth disconnected with mine and began a journey of its own. Moving along my jaw and down the side of my throat, Kane’s lips peppered kisses on every inch they touched.

Sensations overwhelmed me. I became so consumed by all that Kane was making me feel that I wound up completely naked and couldn’t quite remember how I’d gotten that way.

On the bright side, Kane was also completely naked, and there wasn’t a single thing I didn’t like about the way he looked or felt.

While it was clear we were inching closer to the main event, this was already better than I had been anticipating.

It was good.

So very good.

There was so much about it that I refused to ignore.

The scent of him. Raw. Woodsy. Masculine. God, it was all around me, filling the air and covering my sheets.

The feel of him. Hard. Warm. Safe. It was like finding that place in your house that you went to when you needed comfort.

And the power of him. Solid. Strong. Demanding. It commanded attention, keeping me fixated on him.

Nothing could pull me out of it.

Nothing could tear me away from him and this moment.

Once he rolled on a condom, the excitement grew exponentially.

I wanted this. I wanted this with him more than I’d wanted anything else in my whole life.

He came back over me, planting one hand in the bed beside my shoulder, the other guiding his cock to where it needed to be. The moment I felt him there, nudging, I breathed, “Kane.”

He surged forward, a desperate mewl escaping from somewhere at the back of my throat.

“Ellery,” he growled. “Damn it. You look so beautiful, and you feel fucking gorgeous.”

I loved his words, and I thought they’d lead to a wild and frantic round of sex.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

All that power he held, and Kane kept it controlled. It was slow. Lazy. Unbelievably warm.

He thrust into me, again and again, but he did it at such a languid pace. And he used his hands to touch, to feel. They threaded through the strands of my hair. He slid them down my body toward my breasts. He kneaded the flesh there and teased my nipples.

When he dropped his mouth down into the crook of my neck, where he gently sunk his teeth into my skin, his hands moved to my sides and down toward my hips.

One hand moved to my thigh and hiked it up high on his side before he rolled us. He held me tight against him, kissing me with my breasts pressed against his solid chest while his hand at my thigh moved toward my ass.

He didn’t stop thrusting.

Over and over while his tongue danced with mine, Kane stroked his cock into me. But something about the way he was doing it didn’t feel like it was all about him getting what he needed.

It was about giving.
