Page 198 of Possessing Eden

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And I won’t let anyone take him from me.

My shot rings out, but it’s followed almost instantly by another.

I’m so afraid she shot him, that she killed him, I can’t open my eyes.

Shaking uncontrollably, my knees want to give out, and I almost throw up on myself.

An eternity passes before Jude breaks the heavy silence. “She’s dead.”

I open my eyes to see him kneeling beside her body.

“What?” I gasp.

“She’s dead, Eden,” Jude repeats, slowly rising to his feet and turning towards me.

With him no longer blocking her body, I can see her limbs spread awkwardly, and the mess I created of her face.

Ripping my gaze away from the gore, I look at him.

My eyes meeting his eyes.

“You killed her,” he says, but there’s no condemnation in his expression. No disgust or accusation.

No, he looks like he’s trying to suppress his…glee.

Jude takes a step towards me, and I don’t know why but I’m suddenly uneasy. “You killed her for me… You truly love me.”

Something dark flickers in his eyes, and I feel the need to take a step back.

“Yes,” I shakily confirm. “I love you.”

There’s just something about the way he’s looking at me…

Like I’ve just become prey.

But I’m the one holding the gun, dammit.

Jude takes yet another step towards me, and my heart decides to go wild. Pumping hard like I’m in danger again.

Slowly retreating, I take another step back, resisting the urge to run.

Afraid it will set him off.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I demand, my voice a bit shrill to my own ears.

Why the fuck is he acting like this?

It’s beyond creepy.

“You know why, angel…” Taking yet another step, he grins and finally allows all of his glee to break through his mask.

Showing me his true self.

And it’s fucking terrifying.

“No… You…” I say in disbelief. “Stop or I’ll fucking shoot you!”

Lifting the gun, I point it at him as I continue to back up.
