Page 67 of Forbidden Lies

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“I know, girl, don’t worry. I'm just going to see if I can go home. Maybe after a nap, I’ll feel better, then I’ll be one hundred percent for halftime.”

“Yeah, sure, whatever, Gracie,” Mia says, getting up and storming out.

“What was all that about?” Dom asks from across the table.

“Mia just being Mia.” Ash shrugs. “Don't let her stress you out, Doll. Call your mom to see if you can leave, okay? Just worry about feeling better. You know what? I’ll drive you home, and we can grab your car later. Come on, babe,” he says, lifting me gently off his lap and standing up before taking my hand.

“Okay, let me text my mom.”

My phone pings within seconds.

“She said yes, but I’m supposed to go straight to bed,” I tell Ash as he starts leading me toward the parking lot. Turning the corner, we run right into Mia. She’s yelling at someone on the phone.

“We need to talk about this! You can't keep ignoring me. I don't care about her. This doesn't involve her. This is between you and me!”

I’m not sure who she's yelling at, but whoever it is, is pissed. I can hear what sounds like a man yelling back at her. Trying not to get caught listening, I grab Ash’s hand and pull him back around the corner. He comes reluctantly.

Coughing loudly for a few seconds, I try again, walking around the corner toward the parking lot. This time Mia notices us.

“Ash!” she says loudly, cutting off whoever was on the phone and hanging up on them mid-rant. “What are you guys doing out here?” she asks suspiciously.

“I’m taking Gracie home so she can take a nap to see if it helps her headache. Who was that on the phone? It sounded pretty heated. Everything okay, sis?”

Losing all the color in her face, she looks at me with annoyance, then back at Ash with a sweet as apple pie smile. “Everything is great, Ash. Just dealing with some ex stuff. Nothing to worry about. Take Gracie home. I'll see you in drama class. Hope you make it tonight, Gracie. I would hate to have to take your spot in the front,” she replies, walking away.

Grabbing Ash’s hand, we finally make it to his car, where I bend over and lose my lunch.

“Hey Gracie,are you feeling okay? You’ve been sitting here for a while zoned out, and the bell just rang?” I snap out of the memory to see Hope standing before me.

I groan, “Ugh, sometimes these flashbacks make me lose my head. But hey, can I ask you something?”

“Um, yeah, sure. What's on your mind?”

“Mia. It always seems to be Mia these days,” I say, sighing. “I know she was my best friend, but lately, I’m starting to wonder if I truly knew her. Was she acting strange before the accident? I can remember a lot of things about her, but the last few days before the accident, I’m drawing blanks.”

“I’m not the best person to ask that, Gracie. I know you can’t remember anything, but Mia was awful to me. Super cruel. I almost quit the cheerleading squad, like, three times. You were the one who convinced me to stay. You were always so nice. Helping me after practice with my stunts. Never picking on me for my weight. Always including me in the conversation. So yeah, if you want to ask anyone about Mia’s behavior, Ash would be the one.

“I mean, he was her twin. Otherwise, you were the one always with her. Mia was the perfect mean girl. Popular, rich, and cruel. A lot of people didn't like her; they feared her. Just like they fear Ash and Bianca now.”

“Wow, okay, that's a lot to take in. From what I can remember, Mia was always loved. She was always busy: partying or hanging out with friends. We had our designated Sundays, but she started making plans to reschedule now that I think about it. Sorry, I'm making you late. Thanks for warning me. I’ll be sure to stick with the guys during school.”

“Call me sometime if you want, okay? Especially if you bake those cupcakes again. Ugh, I’ve been dreaming about them,” she groans and leaves the room.

I sit here for a few more minutes and text the guys.

Me: If I go missing, it’s the cheer team.

I hit send, then head to class.

* * *

Not payingattention to where I’m walking, I run into Queen Bitch and Ash. She’s whining about something, and he’s ignoring her. I apologize and attempt to turn, but I’m yanked back by my hair.

“Ahh, let me goooo!!” I squeal, then reach back to protect my scalp.

“Not so fast, bitch. Where do you think you’re going? This is all your fault, after all. Right, Ash? She’s the reason you haven't called or touched me in months. She’s trash; you said so yourself. So why the hell is she still in your head, Ash?” Bianca snarls at Ashton while tightening her grip on my hair. What is with girls pulling hair? It's so tacky, such a cliche.

“Let me go, bitch,” I growl, and Ash laughs, then shakes his head and walks away. “Are you fucking kidding me!?” I roar, and he stops, glancing back at us over his shoulder. “So much for a truce,” I yell, and he rolls his eyes and gives me a sloppy smile. “Are you drunk?” I his, and he shrugs, then keeps walking. This time I noticed how wobbly he is.

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