Page 53 of War

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“Ava?” Vi asked.

“She’s doing great. She was amazing,” Guard says.

“What’s his name?” War asks.

“Gavin,” he replied and looks directly at Orion, who locked eyes with Guard. A silent conversation is taking place. The rest of crew looks between them. It’s true. They all speak a secret language that only they understand.

Vi walks over to Orion and wraps her arms around his waist. Looking up at his tall form, she pulls him down so that she can kiss his cheek.

“Only two people can go in to see her at a time and she has asked for Orion ad Vi, then War and Maddie. She wants to see you all though, so be patient,” Guard says.

War pulls me over to a chair and guides me onto his lap while we wait our turn.

Orion and Vi come back through. I hear him say, “I’ll have Demon drop you at home. I have something to do tonight. Call you tomorrow.” He walks out, and Vi’s eyes followed him through the exit. She drops her head. I wanted to go and talk to her, but War is tugging on my hand towards Ava’s room.

“Stay out of it, Kitten. This is between them.” He reads my mind.

I sigh in frustration. I know he’s right. It’s so hard to see Vi this way.

“Baby, let’s go enjoy the moment with Guard, Ava, and Gavin.”

The baby is magnificent. He has Guard’s eyes and Ava’s lips with dark fuzzy hair. He is perfect. I hold him in my arms, cooing and whispering to him. I begin to sing his song; his eyes blink themselves closed and he drifts to sleep in my arms.

War teases Guard, “Your life is forever going to change.”

“Change is constant, War. Birth is change and I happily accept it,” Guard declares.

I look over at Ava. “Today, life is perfect,” she said.

War holds me close and I look up at him. Words aren’t necessary; we both know that together, we can overcome anything. Change is imminent. We feel it coming, we will brace for it and work together. Nothing comes between us from this point on.
