Page 56 of Made For Romeo

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“I don’t think I want to act again,” he states and I just smile at him as he puts his head in my lap.

He looks up at me as my fingers go to his hair and play with it. “Okay, so what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know,” he admits and then shakes his head. “Scratch that.” He raises his arm over his head. “I’ve been working with Sander for these two weeks, and I want to do more on the creative side.”

“So do it,” I encourage him, and he just laughs.

“Just like that?” he asks, and I nod, the smile on his face spreads to his eyes. I can’t put into words what that smile does to me.

“Yeah, just like that. I think you’ll be really, really great at it since you’ve been on the other side of the camera, so you know what to look for. I think that you would be amazing at it.”

“You have to say that because you love me,” he teases me, and I roll my eyes.

“I mean, yes, it’s hard to tell someone they suck.” I shake my head. “What is the next step?”

“I need to talk to my father. We should go.”

“Now?” I get up. “I thought we were going for dinner.”

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials his father, who answers after one ring. “Hey,” his father answers, and Romeo looks down at the phone.

“Hey, Dad, can we come now?” he asks, and his father just laughs.

“Why are you asking dumb questions? This is your house; you can come here whenever you like.” He sounds just like Romeo. “Jessica, Romeo wants to know if they can come now.”

“Why is he asking that?” she questions, and I get up.

“Okay, we’ll be there in ten minutes.” My eyes open big, and I just shake my head.

“See you then,” my father says and disconnects the phone.

“What did you just do?” I ask, turning and running up the steps to our bedroom. “Ten minutes? We can’t be there in ten minutes. We have to go and get a cake or something,” I huff when I look for something to wear. “I have to shower; I still smell like sex.”

“Then go shower,” he says like it’s no big deal.

“I’m meeting your parents for the first time,” I remind him softly, and he tilts his head to the side.

“You’ve met them before.”

“That’s different. I was your side piece,” I hiss, and he throws his head back and laughs out loud, clapping his hands.

“Who told you that?” He puts his hands on his hips.

“Abigail,” I say as I walk into the bathroom and open the shower door. “Go and tell them we will be there in an hour. We have to shower and then go get your mother flowers or something.”

“Why?” he asks, and I swear I feel like my head will explode.

“Because I want to make a good impression,” I explain between clenched teeth. “I want them to like me.”

“They like you better than me,” he jokes. “I will go and get some flowers while you shower, and then we’ll walk over there.”

“Walk over there?” I ask, confused.

“They live four houses down.” I was wrong before, but now my head is going to explode.

I put my hands on my head. “Where?”

“You know the house that has wall-to-wall windows,” he tells me, and my mouth hangs open.

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