Page 51 of Made For Romeo

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“Here you go,” Romeo offers, handing me my mug.

“Thank you.” I grab the mug with both hands before smiling at him and watching him sit right next to me. He holds his mug in his right hand while he drapes his left arm over my covered legs.

“So,” I say, avoiding looking at him and instead bringing the cup of coffee to my lips, taking a sip. “What was that all about?” I finally get the courage to look over at him.

“Real life calling,” he jokes, and I know that his joking is nervousness in him. It’s his way of pretending things don’t bother him.

“What did real life say?” I ask, trying to ignore all the shit going through my head. I knew it would be calling eventually, but I wasn’t ready, I guess. I bring the cup of coffee back to my lips to try not to show him that I’m freaking out.

“Sander called to ask if I wanted to come in and work with him,” he states and I just look at him, confused.

“Is this a good thing?” I ask, laughing nervously, and he just nods.

“It is a good thing,” he finally says. “When we were working on the film.” He brings his cup of coffee up to his lips, taking a sip. “I asked him all these questions, and then we discussed what we thought the shots should be. It was different than just being in front of the camera. I loved the creative side of it.”

“He wants you to go back and work with him?” Please say no, please say no, but all the pleading isn’t going to work.

“Yes,” he confirms, and I lean forward, putting my coffee cup on the tray that sits on the table.

“How long would it be for?” Another question that I don’t want to ask but have no choice.

“About a month,” he says the words, and just like that, everything sinks inside me. “Do you think you can come with me?” he asks, but doesn’t give me a chance to answer him. “Will you come with me?”

“Um,” is the only thing I say before he moves his hand off my legs and gets up.

“Think about it,” he urges, looking down at me. “I’m going to go shower.” He bends to kiss me before turning and walking out of the room.

I listen to him walk up the stairs and only when I know he’s in my bedroom do I let out the breath I was holding in me. I get up and walk over to my purse at the front door, calling Abigail right away.

“Hey,” I say when she answers in a whisper, “are you busy?”

“Yeah,” she mumbles, “I’m having tea with the queen.” I can’t help but snort out laughing. “The baby kept me up all night with hiccups,” she says, yawning. “I swear if this kid comes out looking anything but like me, I’m going to be pissed.”

“You know he’s coming out looking like Tristan, right?” I try to let her down nicely.

“Why would you say that to me?” she screeches. “Why are you so mean?”

“I’m just saying he’s got some strong genes. Look at Penelope.” I point out that she looks exactly like him, minus a couple of pieces.

“Did you call to shit all over me today?” she mumbles, and I hear sheets rustle in the background. I look back upstairs to make sure that Romeo can’t hear me.

“No,” I say, sitting on the steps. “I called for some advice.”

“Really?” she says, almost singing. “Isn’t this interesting.”

I roll my eyes. “Romeo has to go back to LA.” I start with the most important part of the conversation because nothing else matters. “Actually, his director just called and asked him if he wanted to help with the back end of the film.”

“Do actors do that?” she asks.

“No,” I say right away, “but he worked with him when they were in Turkey, and I think this is like his dream.”

“Then he has to do it,” she says the words my head has been screaming since he sat me down and told me. “Is that even a question?”

“No,” I say softly, “he wants me to go with him.”

She gasps. “I’m having a baby,” she reminds me, and I can hear her struggling to get out of bed. “You said you would be here.”

“You have two months to go,” I point out. “I’ll be back soonish.”

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