Page 49 of Made For Romeo

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The waves crashing onto the shore is the only noise around us as we walk hand in hand down the beach, that, along with the birds flying in the sky, which is a distant second. The families are all packed up and probably gone for dinner as I look out into the horizon and see the sun starting to set slowly.

I don’t think I’ve ever been more content and at ease than I have since we got here. “We should stay here for a couple of days.” She looks over at me, and I fall more and more in love with her as the days pass. Actually, that’s a lie. I fall more and more in love with her as the minutes pass. The past two days, she’s worked sixteen-hour days, leaving before the sun rises and getting home way after sundown. Today she finally got home before the sun set, and I wanted her to just clear her head. So I took off her shoes and slipped my hand into hers, pulling her to the beach. “We can go hiking,” I tell her, and she just smiles. “Or sit by the beach.”

The wind softly blows her hair, and she smiles at me. “Really?”

“Yeah, besides, I can take you to all my favorite spots.”

She just tilts her head to the side. “All your favorite spots?” she asks, surprised.

I lean into her just a touch. “I mean, my favorite spot is buried inside you, but in the outside world.”

She throws her head back and laughs, wrapping her other hand around mine. “Well, I would love nothing more than to spend a couple of days with you.” She looks up at me, and I stop walking so I can kiss her.

“Let’s sit and watch the sunset,” I suggest, sitting down and opening my legs for her to sit with me. She sits with her back to my chest. “This right here,” I say as she stretches out her legs in front of her, “is everything.” She looks back at me, and I lean down to kiss her covered shoulder. She puts her hand on my cheek, and I turn my face in her hand, kissing the palm of it.

“This is nice, isn’t it?” she says as she cuddles into me more, and I wrap my arms around her, bringing her even closer to me. I watch the waves run onto the sand. The sound is softer than it was before. “Great idea.”

We watch the sunset, and then she stands up and holds out her hand for me. We walk back to the house in the dark, the only lights coming from the houses on the beach. When we walk back up to the house, her stomach grumbles, and I laugh. “Shall we go for dinner?”

“That sounds wonderful,” she agrees, dusting off the sand from her feet and slipping them in her flip-flops. “Should I change?” she asks, and I look over, seeing her in her black capri pants with a white-and-black striped shirt. I just shake my head. “You look beautiful,” I assure her, walking to the couch and grabbing the black knit sweater. “I’m not changing.” I look down at my khaki shorts and a white button-down linen shirt. I put the sweater on, pulling up the collar and fixing my sleeves.

“You look like you just got off the runway,” she jokes with me as she wraps her arms around my waist.

We walk out a couple of minutes later with her hand in mine as we head down Main Street. It is actually called Main Street because everything is on this one street. It’s one long strip, and everyone knows everyone. “Do you want to eat pizza,” I ask, “or diner food?”

“You tell me,” she replies. “You run this show.” She smiles at me as we walk past the local flower shop where I stopped yesterday, grabbing her some yellow roses for when she came home. The woman behind the counter sees us walking and waves at us. I smile at her and wave back before walking past their little café.

“Is this where you got the scones?” she asks as we walk by, and I just nod. “Those were so good.”

“I ordered a bunch of stuff for tomorrow morning,” I inform her, and she looks up at me. “I figured even if we weren’t staying, we could use it on the road home.”

We walk silently down the road, no one paying attention to us. We are just another couple going out to dinner. The little pizza parlor has people lined up outside already. “Have you had the pizza?” she asks and I shake my head.

“Then pizza it is.” She decides as we stand in line with everyone else. She stands in front of me, and I wrap my arms around her, holding her close to me. A couple of people do a double take, but for the most part, it’s just us. That night I slide into her, and her head falls on my chest, and she’s asleep before I kiss her head good night.

“Good morning,” I mumble when she kisses my lips softly before getting out of bed. “How did you sleep?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever slept so good,” she replies, and I open one eye, watching her walk into the bathroom naked.

“What about that time we spent Sunday just having sex all day?” I remind her of the time she said she would watch football with me but then decided it would be better to ride my cock instead.

“That was good also.” She winks over her shoulder. I look over and see it’s past nine o’clock in the morning. “Do you want me to make you a coffee?”

“No,” I say, throwing the covers off my naked body. “Let’s get dressed and grab some coffee at the shop. If we want to go hiking, it’s better to go before the heat rolls in.”

“Okay.” She walks over to the closet where I put her stuff. I go to the bathroom, and when I come out, she’s sliding on a pair of mint-green yoga pants and a matching bra. “I’m excited,” she says as she grabs a long-sleeved gray sweater, slipping it on and turning to walk back into the bathroom. That’s when I see it’s knotted in the back showing her bra strap.

I slide my black jogging pants on with a white T-shirt and black hooded sweater. I run my hands through my hair before grabbing the black baseball hat. Turning it around, I put it on my head backward. “How do you always look good?” she asks when she comes out of the bathroom with her hair tied in a ponytail as she grabs her black Nike sneakers. “It’s annoying.”

She huffs when she sits on the couch. I walk over to her, grabbing her face in my hands. “Does someone need some coffee?” I kiss her lips as she glares at me, making me laugh, and making me kiss her lips again softly.

Five minutes later, we are walking out of the house hand in hand. Five minutes later, I’m pulling open the coffee shop door, the smell of coffee hitting us right away. Gabriella moans out loud when she steps in and takes a look around. I’ve been in this coffee shop every day since I’ve been here. Five tables are scattered around the room, with benches against the walls filled with cushions. The long L-shaped counter has baskets of baked goods all down the way to the back of the counter, where there are two big espresso machines. I follow her to the counter as she looks at the small square board that tells you what is in each basket. She looks at me and then back again. “Are those blueberry lemon scones?”

“Yes,” I confirm, nodding, knowing that she loved them, so ordering four of them was a great choice, “and Danishes.”

“I want one of everything,” she declares, and I laugh, about to tell her that I already ordered stuff when I hear my name being called.

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