Page 40 of Daisies and Desire

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“Uh-uh, we have an entire house to clean before Flynn gets here.” She spun around and shoved a piece of bacon in my mouth. “So, you need sustenance.”

I dragged my hands over her bare ass. “Can I fuck you while I eat, then?”

Her scruffy blonde hair fell back as she laughed. “No.” She attempted to push me away. “We have to clean up, or Flynn will wonder what we’ve been doing this whole time.”

“Fuck that, Daisy. If we only have one morning left to ourselves, we’re not spending a minute of it cleaning.”

Daisy placed her hands on her hips. “So, what are we going to do, then?”

I grinned mischievously. “Each other.”

* * *

And we did. We walked through the forest, and I fucked her against a tree. We attempted to fish, and we fucked on the pier. We swam in the lake, then made waves fucking in it. It was the best fucking morning of my entire life until Flynn texted to say he’d be arriving soon.

As I lay on the grassy bank, watching Daisy swim, I picked a wild daisy from the ground and began plucking its petals. My ritual. It was a compulsive habit. Every time I saw a daisy, I had to know.Does she love me?

I pulled another petal.

She loves me.

Daisy waded closer. “Are you going to throw that at me?”

She loves me not.

“I don’t know yet.”

She loves me.

She climbed out and lay beside me in the sun in her almost see-through bikini. “Why do you always do that?”

She loves me not.

“If you knew, I’d lose all my masculinity.”

Daisy shrugged. “Try me.”

With a sigh, I angled my body toward her and trailed a bead of water across her stomach with the remaining petal. “I’ve been searching for a sign.”

She scrunched up her gorgeous nose. “A sign for what?”

My stomach dropped. I was treading too close to the edge. “That you felt the same way.”

“Ethan…” Her eyes burned into the side of my face as I turned to the lake. “Why have you never said anything?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I sat up. “I wanted to tell you years ago, but then your parents died, and I just couldn’t. I was messed up and hurting, and I didn’t want to pull you under with me. We were both grieving, and I was scared of losing you if you didn’t feel the same way.”

She sat up with me. “But I did.”

My gaze jerked back to her tear-filled eyes. “You did?”

“But then you started bringing girls home…and each time, you broke off another piece of my heart.” Pain radiated through her voice. “That’s why I stayed with Vance. My world was shattered, and I didn’t want to be alone while I put myself back together.”

I winced as my fingers threaded through my wet hair. “I thought you were happy, Daisy. Fuck, I thought you were going to marry him.”

She wiped the tears from her eyes as she stood. “How can I marry him…when I can’t stop being in love with you?”

The world stopped spinning as her words sunk in. “Daise…” I rose to my feet, but the car rolling into the driveway severed the moment I’d longed for. “Fuck,” I hissed under my breath as Daisy disappeared into the cabin.Fuck!
