Page 88 of Healing Kiss

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Hannah’s gaze returned to Lillian, and she deliberately relaxed her face. “You know I don’t date. How many times do I have to tell you, men are all the same—not to be trusted. Well, everyone but yours.” She patted Lillian’s hand. “Speaking of which, what are you holding inside? You’re bursting at the seams.”

Lillian’s shining gaze met Hannah’s. “I’m pregnant.”

Hannah squealed and jumped up to hug her sister, trying not to let the worry inside taint Lillian’s happiness. “I’m so, so happy for you, Lil. How long have you known?”

“Since this morning.”

Hannah smiled. “Did you tell Tristan?”

“Tell me what?” Tristan had come up on them unexpectedly, attracted to their squeals, no doubt. Brian trailed close behind.

Lillian’s expression went from excited to nervous in an instant, and she went to her husband, grasping his hands.

Hannah got herself out of the way.He doesn’t know?she mouthed from behind Tristan’s back.

The deer-in-the-headlights look in Lillian’s eyes told Hannah all she needed to know.

“I swear I planned to tell you tonight before anyone else. Hannah guessed it before I could, though.”

“Guessed what?” Tristan’s puzzled expression grew more intense, his emotions heightening to a fever pitch. “Are you sick? What’s wrong?”

Hannah put her hand over her heart in a feeble attempt to slow the furious pounding. Being around strong emotions tended to cause this effect. Brian’s gaze moved to her, and somehow, she knew he’d noticed her reaction. The man didn’t miss much, that was for sure.

“I’m…we’re pregnant. You’re going to be a father.”

Tristan’s stunned expression told Hannah the news was totally unexpected.

“You’re not happy? Say something, so I know what you’re feeling.” Lillian burst into tears, the intensity of the situation too much for her to bear.

“Sweetheart, don’t cry. I’m overjoyed. I’m surprised, that’s all. I thought you didn’t want children because you were afraid they’d inherit your talent.”

“I’m still afraid, and I don’t know how it happened. Well, I know how it happened, but I didn’t think I would get pregnant. But I have, and oh, Tristan, I want this baby so much.”

“Me, too.” Tristan pulled his wife into his chest and held her against his heart. “Me, too.”

Hannah could hear Lillian’s muffled sobs from where she stood. She closed her eyes and sucked in air.

“What’s wrong?”

The low voice next to her ear startled her, and she popped her eyes open. Brian stood over her, puzzlement in his gaze. His curiosity, concern, and attraction fluttered across her spine like a butterfly, before settling in her heart.

“I’m fine.” She gasped, heart galloping. “I’m just so happy for them. They’re going to be wonderful parents. They’re so in love, don’t ya think?”

Brian turned his attention to the couple, and Hannah’s heartbeat settled into a more normal rhythm.

“If such a thing exists,” Brian said. Was there a hint of wistfulness wrapped within the cynicism?

Tristan turned with Lillian in his arms and smiled at Hannah and Brian. “I’m going to be a dad. Can you believe it?”

Brian released his grip on her arm and moved forward, his affection for his friend evident.

“I’m thrilled for you, buddy,” he said, slapping him on the back. “Congratulations. I see lots of diaper changes in your future.” He turned to Lillian and shook her hand. “And you, too. This is one lucky baby.”

“Thanks, Bri,” Lillian said.

Hannah hugged the couple, and caught up in their happiness, turned to Brian and hugged him, too. It was an instinctual reaction, but she forgot he didn’t have on a shirt. The moment their skin touched, electricity rippled through her system like she handled a live wire. She let go of him and stepped away as fast as she could. Warmth flooded her cheeks, and she didn’t dare look at him. Something sizzled in the air between them.

“You guys make a cute couple,” her sister said, oblivious to the tension surrounding them.

“You’re delirious,” Hannah said, avoiding Brian’s gaze.

“Yeah, delirious with happiness. I wish everyone could be this happy,” her sister said. She laughed, and the sound was so joyous, the feeling flooded into Hannah, like a soothing balm, settling her stomach. What did it matter if she never found happiness herself? She had played a part in healing two hearts. Wasn’t that her mission in life?

And she would make one hell of an aunt, if she did say so herself.

Lillian and Tristan still held hands, lost in each other’s eyes, while Brian went to find his shirt.

Hannah turned to fetch her knitting, hollering over her shoulder. “Time to start on a baby blanket.”

The End
