Page 75 of Diamond Heart

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“I’m not happy either,” Carmine admits. “But Boston’s not so far from Philly.” Which is Carmine’s second home and the traditional power base of his Famiglia.

“I know it won’t be the same. I’ve liked having you and Ford local for the last few years.”

“I’ve liked it too. But hell, nothing lasts forever. And it’s not like Ford doesn’t have the means to travel. Fucker’s got a private jet.”

“I forget about the jet sometimes. He’s stingy as hell with that thing.”

“Tell me about it.” Carmine chuckles softly. “All right, look. Make sure the Crowleys stick to themselves. I’ll keep my head down and my mouth shut. But you need to tell Ford about the move soon.”

“I will. I’m going to.”

“And, bro? Be careful with the girl. Wrap it before you tap it, as the youth says.”

“I’m careful. She’s on birth control.”

“Yeah, all right. I knew you were sleeping with her, you bastard. Fucking hell. Brice says hi.”

“Hello, Brice.”

“Talk later.” He hangs up.

I sit alone in my office. Some of the euphoria of the night before ebbs and wears off. I want Fiona, want her bad—but Liam’s starting to be a real problem, and I don’t know what she’s going to do about this move.

Too many moving pieces. Too many balls in the air.

Too many chances to fuck this up.



Ilean back on the bench across from the climbing wall. The gym’s quiet on a Friday afternoon. Fiona claps her chalky hands together before getting into position and beginning her line up toward the top, her harness on, the safety rope connected to the overhead anchor with an auto belay device.

God, she’s gorgeous. Her back is lean and toned, her muscular ass, legs, and arms working as she pulls her way up a difficult wall.

I can’t help but stare at her and feel a sense of pride as she gets higher and higher.

She’s really good—there’s no denying it—and really fucking hot. I smile to myself, glad I decided to take a midafternoon break to watch her get some time in at the gym.

She wanted me out there climbing too—but fuck that. This is her thing. I’ll sit right here, sip my coffee, and enjoy her.

My phone rings. I glance down, worried it’ll be Ford—I haven’t spoken to him yet and I’m dreading it—but instead, it’s Janine, the recruiter. “Hello,” I answer. “How are you?”

“Hey, Gareth,” Janine says, chipper as always. “Wanted to touch base about the new assistant. I have a list of candidates—”

Ah, fuck.

“Sorry, gotta interrupt you.” I grimace, rubbing my temple. “Something came up and it looks like I won’t need a new assistant after all. Well, not right now.”

“Oh,” she says, sounding disappointed. Not that I can blame her. I’m sure she had to put in some work to find someone qualified and willing, much less a whole list. “Well then. I guess I’ll just fuck myself.”

I bark a laugh. From anyone else, that’d be unprofessional. But I know Janine from college. “Sorry, seriously, an opportunity dropped in my lap. I’m moving to Boston. Not sure when, but it’ll be soon.”

“Boston, huh? Cool city. How’d that happen?”

“Opening a new practice there. Got a big client and just decided to take the plunge.”

“Well, great, how about you make this up to me by letting me staff your new place? How’s that sound?”
