Page 2 of The Demon in Him

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Frank, in his human form, was an attractive man, and he knew it. He’d spent his short time on Earth picking up women and partaking in one-night stands and group sex. I had no issue with that. As long as he wasn’t hurting anyone or himself, he could do as he pleased while on the surface.

But not this.

The scent of blood was thick in the air between us. I could practically hear it swirling around his tongue as he lapped at the wound on the young woman’s neck. Her chin rested on his shoulder as his mouth was buried in the crook of her neck, bent over her as she sprawled on the floor, the sounds from the house party downstairs partially blocked out by the closed door. Her eyes were glazed in ecstasy while Frank worked his hand between her legs, the exact nature of his motion obscured by her skirt.

But Frank was barely paying attention to his hand or what he was doing, running purely on instinct to bring her pleasure. Because at this point, he was already lost to the drug that is human blood, and if he didn’t stop soon, he could kill her.


He wouldn’t want to hurt a human, not if he was in complete control. But Frank was beyond that point, his eyes yellow with black slits for irises, and where his other hand gripped her throat, his fingers were elongating and graying at the tips as his natural color took over them, cracking as they extended. Too many joints to be human. Whether the woman realized she was doing it or not, one hand was weakly batting against Frank’s chest. Somewhere inside, she could feel herself growing weaker, her body running on instinct and telling her she was losing too much blood, even if her mind hadn’t caught up yet.

“Frank,” I spoke gently so as not to startle him. This close to transforming back into his demon form, he could shred her throat before he realized he had moved. He was younger than me, new to Earth, and hadn’t yet learned complete control. “Let her go… you’ve had enough.”

Frank pulled away from her neck with a long hiss through his teeth. He moved away just enough to talk to me but continued to dip his tongue against the wound on her throat. Humming with satisfaction, he whispered, “But she loves it.”

She had closed her eyes and tilted her head back, bucking her hips against his busy hand. “Yes…” she mumbled.

A moan rumbled through Frank’s chest as he watched her, his yellow eyes glowing. “And she’s about to come. Aren’t you, my sweet toy?” Those final words were whispered against her ear as she moaned, and he moved to bring his lips back to her neck.

“Frank.” This time I used force in my voice, edged with a warning before he could take more blood. “You could kill her.”

“I know what I’m doing.” He threw me a look of such hatred that if I didn’t know him, I would’ve recoiled from it. Right now, he was an embodiment of everything I hated about demons, taking what they wanted when they wanted, giving in to their desires for violence and sex. I had known Frank for a long time, even if it was distantly, and I could help him if only he would let the girl go.

“No.” I’d had enough, and I stepped forward, grabbing his shoulder. “You fucking don’t know what you’re doing.” Frank snarled at me as I yanked at his shoulder. Grabbing the back of his head, I pushed his face against my chest as the woman opened her eyes. She didn’t need a glimpse of the demon who had just been feasting on her blood. Frank struggled against my grip, and I could barely contain him. This close to the change, Frank’s strength was increased.

But I was older, more controlled, and could contain him.

For now.

“Let me finish!” He snarled.

“You don’t want to kill her,” I hissed against his ear, watching as the woman came out of her pleasured daze.

“I wasn’t going to.”

Relief flooded me at this, not because of his words, but that his tone had lost the ethereal edge to it. He was regaining control. Slowly.

The woman tried to lift herself into a sitting position, bringing a hand to her head as her vision swam before she dropped back to the floor.

“Stay where you are,” I told her.

She looked at me, blinking lazily. “Why am I so weak?”

“Must’ve been something you drank.”

Frank chuckled darkly against my chest, and I increased my grip on his hair, twisting his dark curls in my fist. She didn’t need to know how close she was to losing consciousness due to blood loss. Left alone with Frank, if he had lost control, I feared he would have drained her life.

“You have a lot to learn,” I murmured in Frank’s ear. He was still struggling against my hold, although his efforts were steadily decreasing. “I can help you.”

“I don’t need your help.”

“You must stop drinking blood. It’s the worst kind of drug.”

Frank tore himself from my grip, grabbed my forearms and snarled at me, ending with a smirk. “It’s thebestkind of drug, and I’ll keep taking it because these women comeso fucking hardwhen I drink their blood at the same time.”

Frowning, I glanced over his shoulder, spinning Frank to face the unconscious woman on the floor. “Get your shit together, Frank.Look at her!She’s fuckingunconscious.If you had kept going, you could have killed her. She needs a hospital.Now.”

Frank shook his head as if shaking away the thoughts before running his hands over his face. His skin was shifting back to human tone, and I sighed quietly as he blinked rapidly, each time the yellow tint clearing more. He was regaining control at the same time the reality of his actions set in.

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