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Sighing, I look around me. I can’t believe I’ve only been here for twenty minutes and I’m already itching to leave. For a person who adores art in its purest forms, something about being here makes me uneasy.

“Never mind, I’m about to leave anyway,” I tell Ava.

“I’m so sorry, Charlie. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

The line cuts off and I turn around to leave, only to come face to face with James, my ex-boyfriend. Beside him is a gorgeous looking redhead, sporting a kind smile while she loops her arm through James’ arm.

Great! I have somehow found myself in the exact same situation I was dreading.

“Leaving so soon?” James questions as his piercing blue eyes hold mine. Standing at five feet and eleven inches, with golden brown hair and a lean physique, James has always been a man every woman coveted.

He is handsome, smart, and a complete gentleman and from the way the redhead is hanging onto him, I can tell that she’d rather chew her own arm off than let him go like I did.

“I, um, I have somewhere to be.”

He studies me intently and I hope I’m not blushing because that is a usual telltale sign that I’m lying. “That’s a shame, you used to love art.”

I nod while my hand tightens on my phone. “I still do and what you’ve done here is beyond amazing. I am so proud of you,” I tell him and it’s the truth. He has always wanted to showcase his paintings in a large gallery just like this one and it feels surreal to see him living his dream.

James smiles and wrinkles appear by the corner of his eyes. “Thank you, Charlie,” he says and we stand there staring at each other for a beat, wondering what could have been, until he shakes his head. He pats the redhead’s hand and says, “How rude of me. Charlie, this is Polly, my fiancé.”

It’s like I’m suddenly hit by a hurricane. His fiancé… he has a fiancé now.

It’s not like I’m still in love with James or I ever was, it’s just the idea of him having everything he ever wanted while I still struggle to feel fulfilled sucks. I see it then, the same look everyone back at home gives me when I tell them I’m not married or at least in a serious relationship… pity.

I feel exposed and vulnerable watching him and his fiancé stare at me like I’m a loser and my life choices are pathetic. So what if I don’t ever want to get married or have kids and build my own family? What if I just want to focus on my career, travel the world, and experience the wonders life has to offer? There’s nothing wrong with that. Yet, their stares make me feel like I’m doing something wrong with my life.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Charlie.” Polly extends her hand in greeting and as I take it, I notice the glinting diamond ring on her finger. “James has told me so much about you.”

I can’t tell if she’s being nice or if he really did tell her about me, so I just nod and respond with a polite smile. Just when I think this torturous encounter is about to come to an end, James cocks his head and asks the question that makes me feel small.

“What about you, Charlie, what’s new with you? Are you seeing anyone?” Before I can respond, he chuckles and turns to Polly. “Charlie has always been a flight risk when it comes to settling down, babe. The very idea of it terrifies her.”

Polly swings her gaze back at me and her lips turn downward into a frown. “Oh, honey. I used to be like that too, but it’s all about finding the right person really. You have no idea how lucky I am to have found a man like James. He’s my soulmate,” she grins at him, then turns to me and leans forward, patting my arm gently. “I’m sure you’ll find someone like my James one day,” she smiles.

I almost roll my eyes. The urge to tell her that I’ve had her James and many more like him but never wanted them in the long run swells in me but I keep my mouth shut. When I open my mouth to tell them instead that I love my life as it is, I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I stiffen.

I feel a familiar breath on my ear and it causes me to gasp. “Hey, love. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” That voice, I’d recognize it anywhere. Not only because I first heard it in the most unusual circumstances, but because it has plagued my dreams over and over for the past two days.

Nervously, I raise my head and stare into Christopher Young’s mesmerizing dark eyes. There’s a fond smile on his face that elevates his look from dark and dangerous to beautiful and commanding. I feel his presence in every aspect of my body.

“Who are your friends?” he asks while I continue staring, wondering what in the world is happening right now. He kisses my temple, just slightly, but it still has an astounding impact on me. Then, he turns to James and Polly and offers them his hand. “Hi, I’m Christopher, Charlie’s boyfriend.”

The look on James’ and Polly’s faces would be comical if I wasn’t still trying to make sense of what is happening. I barely register them saying hello and excusing themselves to greet their other guests, but as soon as they’re gone, I whirl on Ava’s dad.

“Dr. Young, what do you think you’re doing?” At the moment, I don’t care that he’s a wealthy billionaire who has to make a decision about my application or that he’s my best friend’s father. All I can think about is that his arm is still around my waist, my heart is racing, and my palms are sweating. All these things are all different shades of inappropriate.

He removes his hand from my waist and shoves both hands in his pockets, causing me to momentarily miss the feel of his touch on me. Shrugging, he stares down at me. “It seemed like you needed help from where I was standing. Let me guess, ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend?”

“Ex-boyfriend and fiancé actually and I didn’t need help. I was just about to let them know that there’s more to life than marriage and cute, squishy babies.” I shove my hand through my hair in frustration and a bit of embarrassment that he had assumed I needed rescue because I was probably still hung up on my ex. “I mean just because I don’t ever want to get married or have kids doesn’t mean I’m lacking something in life. I have a great career, amazing friends, and a family that loves me, shouldn’t that be enough?” By the time I’m done ranting, my chest is heaving erratically and I’m waving my hands all over the place.

Meanwhile, he just stands there watching me with a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. “I should have known you were different,” he states.

It dawns on me that I have come across as rude, so I take a step back and clasp my hands together before me. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Dr. Young. It wasn’t my intention at all to snap at you, I’m just… I’m having a rough day.”

Gosh, can the earth split open and swallow me whole already?


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