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‘This door looks solid,’ Roman murmured as he let them in.

‘You’re just taking advantage of the fact that I’m not wearing any underwear,’ Eva commented wryly as Roman tugged off his jacket and tossed it on a chair.

‘You bet I am.’

Yes, the door was solid. They proved that conclusively. And Roman was efficient. With a few, deep, well-judged thrusts, he pushed her over the edge again.

‘This isn’t fair. What about you?’ she gasped, clutching him as she dragged in some necessary breaths.

‘The floor?’ he suggested.

‘That rug looks soft,’ she agreed. ‘Like this?’

‘Perfect,’ Roman murmured, dropping to his knees behind her.

And, oh, it was perfect. She lifted her bottom as high as she could, while he controlled her with his hands, taking firm hold of the soft, plump flesh. She felt so gloriously exposed, and he was so gloriously skilful. He sank deep, and knew just how to touch her.

‘Open your legs a little more for me, Eva.’

She did so and let out a shaking cry as Roman found her with one finger and began to circle the most demanding part of her.

‘So soon?’ he demanded, knowing full well she couldn’t hold on.

She didn’t have time to answer him, and could only wail her appreciation in time to the violent bolts of sensation, while she rested with her face pressed into the soft fur rug.

‘And now the bed?’ she suggested when she could find her voice.

‘It’s too far away. And now the sofa,’ Roman argued, tugging his shirt over his head.

Arranging her with her hips balanced on the very edge of the seat, he knelt in front of her, and, lifting her legs onto his shoulders, where the wide spread of his body kept them well apart, he braced his arms against the back of the cushions.

‘It’s my pleasure to serve you,’ he said, teasing her with just the tip.

‘Serve away,’ she encouraged, groaning with pleasure as he thrust inside her and began to move. ‘Again,’ she screamed, losing herself in the moment.

They almost made it to the bed, but not quite, as a console table with a handy mirror on the wall behind it got in their way. It proved to have a very firm surface indeed and provided them with a welcome diversion on their way to more pleasure on the bed.

* * *

They made it to the party. Just. Eva in an ivory silk off-the-shoulder dress that made her feel like a princess for a night, and Roman in a dark dress suit that still managed to make him look like a marauding pirate with his thick ink-black hair, deep tan and disreputable stubble. There had barely been time for bathing, dressing, hopping round on spindly heels while she tried to arrange the ankle strap on each foot, before Roman yelled that it was time to leave. And as for him—just enough time to rake his still-damp hair as they waited for the elevator to arrive, and there had not been time for him to shave. Not that she was complaining. She loved him just the way he was, and looked on proudly as, after hugging Eva as if they had been parted for years, Britt introduced Roman as a leading member of the consortium responsible for reviving the fortunes of both the mine and the town that bore their name.

‘And none of it would have been possible without the Skavanga Diamonds,’ Roman finished up by saying. ‘And I’m not talking about lumps of carbon we claw from the earth, but these girls: Britt, Leila, and Eva Skavanga, without whose dogged determination I might never have parted with so much money.’ And as everyone laughed, he added in a murmur to Eva, ‘Or my heart.’

‘And as proof positive that the consortium couldn’t possibly work as well as it does without the Skavanga sisters, this is the right time for me to tell you that from now on Britt Skavanga will be the President of Skavanga Mining, while Eva Skavanga will officially be our roving consultant when it comes to ecological concerns and cultural development,’ he ended to a chorus of enthusiastic cheers.

As everyone peeled away and the band started to play, Roman drew her aside.

‘Did you consult me?’ she said.

‘Do you want the job or not?’

‘Are you kidding? You know I do. It’s all I’ve ever dreamed of.’

‘That’s what I thought.’

‘And sometimes it’s nice to get a surprise,’ she admitted.

‘Well, I’ll have to see what else I can do to surprise you.’

‘Please,’ she said.

‘The first thing is this,’ he said, delving in his pocket.

‘Your gold chain?’ She was speechless.
