Page 65 of Nightmare's Flight

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Mom had outdone herself with the decorations, and Ash waited with my men at the pergola. I lurked just inside the house, waiting for Dad.

He appeared a moment later with a big grin on his face. “Honey, I’m so proud of you. This is nothing like any of us expected, but you’ve done well. Saving Dream undoubtedly saved us all and your men, even though there are four of them”—he winked—“are all wonderful. Relax and enjoy your day.”

With those words, the magical band started up. Dad offered me his arm. The first step was the hardest, but as I reached the rows of chairs, my stomach settled. It was just another performance, and I was the star.

Most of the ceremony was a blur. We'd chosen our vows, simple and full of promise, and the guys had crafted a silver ring for nightmare, with four gems on the band—one for each of them. Ruby red for Baz, smoky black for Nic, sapphire blue for Dio, and green for Geraint. It was my favorite piece of jewelry ever.

The princesses had helped me with the guy’s rings. They were identical bands done in silver for Nightmare, and then inlayed with fire opal to represent me.

Kissing all four of them in front of everyone had my stomach in knots, but when the time came, it felt just as natural as breathing.

And then we were done, and it was time for cake and dancing. Though I’d eaten so much cake, dancing was a little subdued for once. After the band ran out of essence and stopped playing, my parents drifted away, and I gave my men a mischievous grin.

“I’m going to go change. Then first one to the watering hole has to watch while everyone else jumps in.”

“You’re really going to run after all that cake?” Geraint rubbed my belly.

“I said first one. Not last one.” I giggled at his touch.

“Oh, so you’re volunteering to jump now?” Baz teased.

“What if I beat you all?” I raised my eyebrows and put my hands on my fists in challenge.

“Better be quick if you’re going to beat us.” Dio took off for the house, presumably to change.

I picked up my skirts and hurried as quickly as my dress shoes would allow. The others followed more slowly, though they also had urgency in their movement. I suspected they all knew what I had in mind. If not, they hadn’t been paying attention to how much I liked sex. And we were unlikely to be bothered at the swimming hole.

As soon as I was back in my room, I shed my dress and molded some dream clothing around my body. Then I called the shadows.

I hadn’t tried this trick in the Conscious Realm since I’d failed, and to my delight the shadows responded easier than ever. It took almost no effort to step from my bedroom to the swimming hole.

Unfortunately, Nic had used the same trick and sat in the shade near the water. He looked up when I arrived, a faint grin on his face.

“Hello, luv.”

“Cheater.” I sauntered over to him, letting my clothing shift to a bikini.

His gaze glued to my body, and he licked his lips before holding out his hand. “I’m the cheater?”

“Mmm, just gives us a minute alone, I suppose.” I straddled his legs before sinking down into his lap.

Nic’s hands went to my waist and he tugged me close, meeting my lips with his. The feel of his erection between my legs had me wet, and I rubbed against him.

“Should we start without the others?” Nic murmured through our kisses.

“Maybe this time we’ll wait. They shouldn’t be to long.”

Nic thrust his hips and my resolve was tested as he teased me. He had also changed into dream clothing, and wore his usual slacks and shirt. He smelled of lust and alcohol and a touch sweet from the frosting on the cake. “I think perhaps I will start on you and they can hurry when they hear you crying out in pleasure.”

Powerless to argue, I lay back when he lowered me to the ground, spreading my clothing under us as a blanket for protection. He quickly made good on his promise, face buried in my pussy while his name escaped my lips.

“I see how it is,” Dio said, coming into view just as my body shattered.

I reached out and grabbed his legs as I yelled out my release.

“The two of you use your powers, and then you don’t even wait for us.” He put his hands on his hips.

“It’s not like I want to stop now,” I gasped.

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