Page 63 of Nightmare's Flight

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“I believe we can help you out. Please, come in.” Robby held back the tent flap and gave an exaggerated bow.

We all went inside into what looked like a massive dance and aerial studio. It was certainly much larger on the inside than it had appeared.

“We’ve been keeping ourselves busy and learning to love circus again,” said one of the dreambound performers. They’d clustered around when we’d come back. “Casey has been drilling us.” She laughed.

It was good to see them looking vibrant again.

One side of the tent had a long mirror, and I went over to it and put my hand on the cool surface.

“Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary,” I called.

The nightmareish mirror dweller slowly hazed into view. “Princess,” she said. “Well done.”

“Thank you, Bloody Mary. Can you make us a path to go home?”

She nodded. “Return quickly, princess. There is still much to be done.”

“Yeah. I gotta talk to my parents, though. They need to know we are all right.”

“Wise.” Bloody Mary stepped back and an arch appeared, stone, twisted with thorny vines, but looking stronger than I’d ever seen.

I glanced at the guys. “You four are not getting out of this conversation.”

They all shared unhappy looks, and Dio’s shoulders slumped. “Fine,” he said. “Anything for you, beautiful.”

Grinning, I stepped through the arch.


“I want a wedding!” Mom declared at dinner that evening. We all sat in the screened in porch, the fans moving otherwise still, humid air, and listened to the night insects scream.

“What?” Taken aback, I had no idea how to respond to that. “But you’re already married. You had one.” I put down my fork, finished with my pasta.

“No. You. I want to sit in the front row while your father walks you down the aisle, and cry my eyes out while Ash officiates and you marry those men of yours.”

“Honey, she may not want that,” Dad said gently.

What I really wanted was to hit the watering hole and jump off the cliff a few times, even though that was terrifying. It was less terrifying than having a wedding.

“Uh, I guess we’d never really talked about that.” I glanced at my men and shrugged. I had no idea what to do. “Besides, who would we invite? Everyone thinks we’re dead.”

“And you’re sure you want to leave it that way?” Dad put his hand on mine. “I’m certain we can figure something out.”

I nodded. “I’m sorry. I just don’t think I can live that much of a double life. We can visit. Frequently. But it’s better this way.”

Mom and Dad shared a sad look before they nodded. “We understand, Ember. It’s not what we want, but as long as it’s what you want, then we’ll support you,” Dad continued.

“But I still want a wedding.” Mom slapped her hand on the table. “If you’re not ready now, then let me know when you are.”

“The flowers are in full bloom and the gardens are lovely right now,” Geraint offered.

I turned my attention to my knight. “Really?”

He grinned. “I would like nothing more.”

Nic put his hand on my shoulder. “I’m quite certain we could arrange something. After all, a wedding did start some of this.”

I glanced at Dio and Baz, and they nodded agreement.

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