Page 54 of Nightmare's Flight

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The times we’d played as kids, my devastation when we weren’t allowed to see her anymore, and my secret joy when I knew we were approaching the time when we could bring Ember back into our lives. All of that and more derailed by a dreambound woman. Idly, I wondered how she’d ended up in Dream in the first place. It wasn’t a common occurrence by any means, but people, especially creative ones, did occasionally find the weaker points between the Conscious realm and the Unconscious one.

Ember shifting against my chest, her wet suit, what little of it there was, soaking my shirt as she pressed against me. I tightened my hands on her bare skin, relishing the warmth and smoothness from her muscled body.

She moaned softly, and that small sound was so primal, so wanting, that it pierced me through to my core and sent warmth tingling out to my extremities. How was I so lucky that I had this woman in my arms?

Not only had she been my friend, but she’d saved my life under impossible circumstances. She’d been cute as a kid, but damn she was fire now. Fire burning in my arms, against my lips, small, perfect breasts pushed against my chest.

I wanted her so badly in that moment. If only she truly wanted me back.

Ember parted her lips for me when I pressed with my tongue. She followed my lead, deepening our kiss. Her arms went to my chest and her thighs tightened around my hips.

I groaned, grabbing my hips, and pulling her tightly against me. I couldn’t help it. The feel of her against my hard length was almost more than I could take. Especially when she squirmed, rubbing needily against me.

“Ember, maybe…” I breathed against her lips.

She backed off instantly, leaving me feeling empty. I loosened my grip so she could move off of my lap if she wanted to.

“Sorry,” she said. I guess I just got caught up in it.

“No, not at all. I was going to ask if you wanted to continue. Maybe we could finish our bond?”

Her beautiful brown eyes widened, and a slow grin crossed her lips. Those delicious lips, lightly plumped from our kissing. Her tongue flicked out over her lips.

“If you want too, that is,” I added.

“You sure you’re ready?”

“No, but I also know that right now, in this moment, I want you more than anything, and I’m prepared to try.”

“Okay.” She settled back into my lap. “Then I’m also ready to try. So, Dio had to bite me. Anything I need to know about?”

“Nothing so exotic as Dio, or even Nic. Sorry. A good energy transfer should do it.” Briefly, my anxiety returned, but I forcefully shoved it away. We could do this.

“No special powers outside of being a winged pony?” She grinned mischievously.

“You—” I rolled her under me, holding her to the ground.

She hooked my hips with a leg and pulled me against her until I ground against her pussy. Her eyes fluttered shut. “I’d say you have something on your brothers.”

“Ahh, I suppose I’ve never compared sizes.”

“Different sizes have different perks,” she murmured, thrusting her hips against me.

“Fuuuck, that feels good.” I’d nearly forgotten what pleasure felt like. “Also, I can, like, stick things to me.”

Her eyes snapped open. “What?”

“Yeah, like, if you ride me in my Pegasus form.”

Her eyes widened.

“I can make sure you won’t fall off when we fly.”

“Sticky powers?”

“Sticky powers,” I agreed.

“I definitely want to ride you.” She shoved on my shoulder and suddenly I was under her. Her bikini hid nothing. Tentatively, I reached up and cradled her breast. She nodded, bringing my other hand to her other breast, and I thumbed her nipples. She ground against me, and though we were fully clothed, I could tell it was really doing it for her. Her breathing came in soft gasps, and her eyes were shut again as she pleasured herself using my body.

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