Page 30 of Nightmare's Flight

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“Stand down!” I commanded. For a wonder, yet again, the guards obeyed, though Robby, Geraint, and Dio stood ready to act should my command have failed.

Not-Baz’s eyes widened, and his shoulders sagged, but he didn’t reply.

“Ahh, the silent type,” Robby said gleefully. “I love the silent type. I haven’t had a good torture session in ages, and I’m aware of what you did to our princess.”

Not-Baz went ashen, Adam’s apple bobbing a couple of times, but still he remained silent.

Nic wrapped the pretender in shadowy bonds, and I tried not to get all hot and bothered at the thought of what being bound by him felt like.

Dio’s nostrils flared then he glanced at me, eyebrows raised. “Really?” he mouthed.

I shrugged helplessly.

Dio shook his head, laughing silently. Geraint glanced between the two of us before looking at our captive then rolling his eyes and hiding a slight smile. He knew where my thoughts had gone, too.

Fortunately, Robby and Nic seemed oblivious, and not-Baz had other things on his mind. Like the sword Robby still held to his throat.

“Well, let’s find out who you really are.” Robby smirked, removed the sword, and gestured for Nic to follow as he headed through the ranks of guards that the enemy no longer controlled, and out into the hallway.

Curious as to where Robby was headed and not about to be left behind regardless, I fell in behind them. Geraint and Dio flanked me as we all followed the jester. Not-Baz walked with shoulders back, as if prepared to meet his doom.


Robby led us to a room that felt sealed off, as if it had been specially constructed to keep everything out. I rubbed my arms, not liking the goosebumps or the way the room made me feel. Geraint put his arm around me, and we watched as Nic secured not-Baz to a solid stone chair. Nothing about that looked comfortable and I managed to not dwell too much on better uses for Nic’s powers. It was easier to not get distracted with the strange feeling the room gave me.

“One last chance,” Robby said. “Tell us what we want to know, or we’ll have to get creative.”

Not-Baz audibly swallowed again, glancing between all of us until his gaze landed on me. Some expression other than fear crossed his face, but it was fleeting, and I couldn’t identify it. Dio growled softly, and the pretender looked away.

Nic put his hand on our captive’s forehead and shut his eyes. Not-Baz struggled, trying to get away despite his bonds. Nic pulled on the creature’s essence, eliciting a sharp gasp of pain.

My shadowy prince pulled his hand away. “I do sense something of our Baz about this being. Perhaps this one holds a bit of Baz’s essence. It would explain why he won’t wake.

Dio stepped forward, sniffing. He circled our captive before stopping in front of him.

“This is going to hurt.” Dio grinned, flexed clawed fingers and shoved his hand at our captive’s chest. Not-Baz screamed as Dio did something to his essence and his hand sank into the creature’s chest. Dio yanked, pulling something out.

Not-Baz sagged, not dying from what had to be a gaping wound in his chest, but I no longer sensed that he had any powers. His presence was diminished and his features subtly altered. His skin and eyes grayed and the features that my Baz wore softened on his face until he was almost not recognizable.

“Seems like someone got creative.” Dio held out his hand. A small gem similar to the one I had taken from the corn that had contained Baz’s essence glistened in his palm.

I’d expected blood, but the gem and Dio’s hand were clean. His fingers melted back into human ones as he handed the gem of essence to me. “Princess, please keep this safe. We must deliver it to Baz as soon as possible.”

Hesitantly, I accepted the gem and tucked it into a pocket. If I trusted the shadows, I would have traveled back to Baz immediately. As it was, I itched to return to him.

Nic turned his attention back to our captive. “And what information would you have for us that you could trade for your life?”

“There’s a nothingness storm bearing down on us as we speak.” He laughed. “None of us will survive this, so why should I try?”

Robby stepped sideways and vanished, returning moments later, brow furrowed and lips thin.

“He’s right. We need to leave.”

“How did you know?” Nic turned back to not-Baz. “What is causing them?”

Our captive shrugged. “You’ll have to ask Effie. She controls them.”

Dio surged forward and slammed his fist into our captive’s temple, knocking him out. Then he spun, grabbed my hand, and sprinted for the door.

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