Page 14 of Nightmare's Flight

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“Well, considering I can’t even remember what I did…” I clenched my jaw before flopping back down onto the couch with an exasperated grunt.

“Ember, one thing at a time.” Geraint placed a soothing hand on my leg. “If we can make it back, they will be happy to see us and hopefully understanding. If we can’t make it back, well, they already think we’re dead.”

“If you mean that to be comforting…” I glared at Knight.

He shrugged. “Not especially.”

“Well, Ember, it was wonderful to meet you at last. We must attend to other matters.” King Hope stood and held out a hand for the queen. She accepted, and he led her from the room.

We were left with the princesses, who studied me for a moment.

“Ember,” Esin said. “Do you think Ash will be willing to try and find a place here in Dream?”

“I don’t see that she has much of a choice.”

“What about her fiancée?”

I raised my eyebrows. I hadn’t even considered that option.

All four of the princesses gave Geraint an appraising look before returning their attention to me.

“I really don’t know.”

“We will discuss it with her.” They stood and excused themselves leaving me alone with my men.

“What was that all about?”

Dio rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t know. We should prepare to confront Baz.”


“Sex.” He winked and grabbed my hand.

“Wait what?” I laughed but let him pull me to my feet and drag me to the door the princesses had used to leave.

“If you’ll let me steal her away, brothers?”

“Yes, Dio. Go enjoy our mate if she’s willing. Geraint and I will handle preparations.” Nic swirled into shadow then solidified by the door to the throne room. He gestured to Geraint to follow.

Knight grinned at me. “Enjoy, spark.”

I sputtered but couldn’t argue. What did I know about preparing for a confrontation in Nightmare? Not much. I did know that the more Dio and I shared our energies, the more quickly I would increase my own abilities I was gaining from my bond with Dio. And I certainly didn’t mind sex.

Once we were in the hallway, Dio released me with a mischievous smirk. “Run.”


“I’ll give you a head start. Wherever I catch you is where I’m taking you, so unless you’re into an audience…”


Dio winked. “Always your choice, beautiful, but that’s the game I want to play.”

I thought for a moment. No. I wasn’t into having an audience, not for sex, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t open to locations outside the bedroom. This was a dream palace, maybe I could find someplace interesting.

“Okay,” I said after a moment. The predatory look in Dio’s eyes sent a thrill through me, one part fear, the rest excitement, speeding my heart and making my ovaries weep. I wanted to be chased, and taken, and filled.


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