Page 78 of Nightmare's Fall

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Dio ran his fingers lightly over the harlequin silks tattoo I had on my shoulder, reminding me of when Geraint, Ash, and I had gotten them together. Maybe I already did have his mark.

“Fitting,” he whispered, before placing his lips on my skin, then continuing his circle around me. “You are incredibly beautiful. Powerful. A worthy mate.” He said the last with a wink when he met my eyes. “I shall do my best to also be worthy.”

I stepped forward, a hand going to his chest, the other to his hip, pulling Dio against me as I kissed him. I needed to taste him, to consume him, to feel the essence flowing between us.

He pressed his tongue to mine, exploring my mouth, letting me explore his. As we kissed, his hands roamed my body, kneading my back, fingers digging into my ass, lifting me off my feet until he could guide us both to the ground. The blanket we’d crafted cushioned my back so I couldn’t feel the branches or rocks or other irregularities in the earth.

The cool Nightmare air caressed my skin as if claiming me, just like Dio was claiming me. A flock of ravens cawed in the distance, and I imagined they approved of their queen getting taken by their feline prince in their forest.

Dio trailed his kisses along my jaw, until he could nip me gently behind my ear. I arched up into him, wanting to be filled.

“Patience,” he murmured. “You’ve got some screaming to do first.”

Whatever I might have said was cut off by sharper nip at the base of my throat. I cried out, digging nails into his skin.

“Mmm, yes, draw blood if you want,” he said, biting down again before cautioning me. “Tell me if I’m too rough.”

“I will.”

He gently explored my breasts, kneading, rolling my nipples between his fingers before sucking one into his mouth then blowing across it.

I whimpered, tilting my hips, wanting his touches, and wanting more at the same time.

He nipped me again, as if chastising me for my impatience before continuing his slow, torturous, but delightful exploration of my body until finally, finally, he reached my pussy. His study of my soaked folds was tentative at first, but he gained confidence as he discovered my clit.

“Dio, yes, that!” I cried out as he sucked the sensitive nub. “Fuck, yes.”

He added a finger into the mix, sliding it inside me and curling it.

“There,” I said when he found my g-spot.

Dio took my directions well and twitched his finger, trying different motions until he had me squirming.

“I’m so close, Dio.” I lifted my hips, wanting more. Needing more.

“Come now, princess,” he murmured before returning his attention to my clit.

I shattered, shouting his name.

“Very good,” he whispered in my ear. “In the future, you’ll scream my name a few more times, but right now I don’t want to wait. I want you.”

“Then take me, Dio. Claim me. Mark me. Bind me.”

“I intend to.”

He rolled me over until my ass was in the air, his hands on my hips.

“I’ve wanted you for so long,” he said with a hitch in his lust-filled voice.

“You have me.”

Dio thrust into me, his unique cock with its ridges and barbs stimulating me in new and fascinating ways. I shoved back into him, and my eyes widened as Dio purred.

“Fuck me,” I breathed. I felt his purring all the way into my core. All of him was vibrating, and I did mean all of him.

“I am,” he said with a quiet laugh.

I was quickly beyond thinking as Dio pounded into me, his cock swelling, the barbs pressing out enough to rub me on the inside, but not enough to cause pain.

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