Page 29 of Nightmare's Fall

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Finally, she introduced Ember and Ash.

Ember wandered out on stage as if lost, her bright leotard showing up brilliantly against the black curtains. She held her hand over her eyes, shielding them from the bright stage lighting, and peered around, pretending that she was trying to figure out where she was.

While she looked out into the crowd, Robby lowered the lyra. Ash sat perched inside the hoop, feet crossed at the ankles. She wore a blue and pink leotard that showed off her full sleeve tattoos on her arms and her short hair was spiked up with gel.

Ash did a quick roll through the middle of her hoop, then hung from a knee and one hand, reaching the other toward Ember.

My spark still stared out over the crowd, peering around and acting confused.

Ash did another quick flashy display of rolls and poses in an attempt to get Ember’s attention. When that didn’t work, she dropped out of the lyra, put her hands on her hips and stalked over to the other woman.

Ember jumped when Ash put her hand on Spark’s shoulder. She spun around and stared at Ash and threw her hands out, showing surprise at Ash’s seemingly sudden appearance.

The music, quiet and instrumental and barely noticeable, now struck a stronger chord and a lively tune. Ash grabbed Ember’s hand and pranced back toward the lyra. She placed Ember’s hand on the bottom bar and gestured for Ember to get in.

Ember vehemently shook her head.

That was Robby’s cue to lift the hoop into the air, with Ember dangling by one arm. Her eyes went wide, and she grabbed with the other hand as her feet left the ground.

She acted terrified, looking this way and that as she dangled above the stage and kicked her feet. Ash shook her head, grabbed Ember’s foot, and danced around, spinning her cousin. She took ahold of Ember’s ankles and hung there, spinning both of them as Robby lifted the pair higher.

After a few seconds, Ash spread her legs out, slowing their spin, and they descended until her feet were on the ground. She stopped Ember’s rotations and skipped backward, holding both arms out to Ember with a big smile on her face, acting like she expected Ember to be happy.

Spark shook her head, took one hand from the lyra, and pointed toward the ground.

Ash put her hands on her hips and stomped a foot, pouting.

I chuckled at the play. They had another act that was similar but a bit more comedic that involved an announcer. I liked this one better though, and Ember did, too. I wasn’t sure what Ash’s opinion was, but she pranced around on stage like a champ while she tried to convince Ember that the lyra was fun. Ash’s normal gait was more of a prowl than a prance, but the pair had developed this routine for kids’ shows.

Robby finally set Ember down and Ash climbed back into the hoop, putting on an impressive display of spins and drops and poses while she showcased the lyra. All the while, Ember stood back, acting afraid.

When Ash descended from the hoop this time, she dragged Ember back over, but instead of throwing her into it, she mimed showing Ember some basic entrances and moves.

Ember reluctantly caved, letting Ash guide her through what would be a beginning lesson for a new student.

Ash clapped at Ember’s first pose in the hoop. Slowly, Ember upped the difficulty of her movements until the song really picked up its pace. Then she leaned out of the hoop, much as Ash had at the beginning of their piece, and held out her hand.

Ash joined her in the hoop, and they posed as they spun, twisting through the various shapes together and making some completely fantastic poses, still in the very family friendly range. They had a couple of acts that would have been suitable for our last contract that had occasionally made me wonder how open Ash was to the idea of a threesome. Not that I’d ever suggested it.

The music came to its climax, and the cousins lowered themselves out of the lyra, hugged, clasped hands, and skipped off stage together.

The crowd cheered and the two women came back out on stage to take their bows before Ember’s mom went into an introduction of the next act.

I stood and slipped out of the crowd, heading out of the room and toward the backstage area.

Ember and Ash were giggling like teens in the green room when I found them a few minutes later.

“Nicely done,” I said, pulling Ember into a tight hug before punching Ash lightly on the arm. She caught herself before she made contact with my arm in her return punch.

“I’ll save them up,” Ash said with a wink.

“I’ll hold you to it,” I replied.


Robby joined us, our act being the only one that required the lift. Casey got up from where she stretched and came over to the jester’s side. He put his arm around her waist.

Well, okay then. I supposed it was as official as it could be at this point. I was in no position to judge her taste in men. I hoped we weren’t putting her in danger.

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