Page 21 of Owned By the Bratva

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I fight back a bitter laugh. Seems my husband is leading quite the double life.

“Do you know when he’ll be back from work?” I ask her.

“He didn’t tell you?” Merrybell sighs. “Oh, what am I going to do with that man? I swear he’s normally not this forgetful.”

He’s not forgetful, I want to tell her,he just doesn’t care about me.

“He should be in his last meeting of the day,” she informs me. “If traffic’s light, he’ll be back in another half an hour or so. I should have you back by then.”

I hold my breath. Half an hour. Thirty minutes. That’s all the time I have to make a break for it. An opportunity for escape hasn’t presented itself yet, so I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.

“So?” Merrybell prompts. “Tell me, how did the two of you meet? When Pyotr told me he had to return home to Russia, I assumed it was to visit family. Imagine my surprise when he informed me he’d gotten married! Was it a whirlwind romance? Pyotr’s so private about his personal life. I wasn’t even aware he’d been dating anyone, much less a lovely thing like you.”

My face burns. “Oh, uh… A whirlwind romance? Sure. Yeah.”

“How did he propose?” she asks, her whole face lighting up with excitement. “Did he get down on one knee? Did he cry? No, I can’t imagine he would.”

“It was…” I scratch behind my ear. I never thought to get my story straight. It’s next to impossible to imagine Pyotr getting down on one knee, ring in hand, with a tear in the corner of his eye. “It was lovely,” I answer vaguely. “Simple, but sweet—You know what? It can’t hurt to try it on.”

Merrybell hands me the dress and the store employee graciously shows me where the changing rooms are. Just when I think I might have some time to myself, Ben steps forward with an apologetic smile.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Antonov. I have to check and make sure the area is secure first.”

“Is there really any need? I’m pretty sure we’re the only ones in the store right now.”

“It’s just protocol, ma’am. Mr. Antonov would have my head if he found out I was cutting corners.”

I set my jaw and force a polite smile. “In that case, thank you for your diligence.”

I wait at the entrance of the changing rooms, impatiently shiftingmy weight from foot to foot. When Ben returns, he gives me a nod and a big smile. “You’re free to go in, ma’am. I’ll stand watch right here.”

My guts twist into knots. If I’m going to sneak out, it’s definitely not going to be through the way I came. I slip past him, dress draped across my arms, and carefully take in my surroundings.

There isn’t a whole lot to work with. No back exit—crap—and the windows in this place are high and out of reach. I’m pretty sure they don’t open anyway—double crap. The only plus side is I’m alone, but I’m running out of time. I’m sure Merrybell is going to pop in at any moment with something new for me to try on, so I need to act fast.

My eyes settle on a nearby clothing rack. A number of different outfits hang from the rack, a densely packed collection of frills and ribbons and sequins. The whole contraption is on four wheel bearings, designed to be rolled around the storefront.

A store employee just happens to walk in, moving toward the rack with a few outfits for reshelving. “Is there anything I can help you with, Mrs. Antonov?” she asks me sweetly.

I think on my feet, immediately pulling out the wad of cash. “You can help me by sneaking me out of here,” I say quietly and hastily, handing her five hundred American dollars.

The employee blanches at the money I’ve placed in her hand. “I don’t understand…”

“You don’t have to. Just sneak me out with these clothes, that’s all I ask.”

“Mrs. Antonov, I don’t know… I don’t want to get in trouble.”


I don’t know if it’s the desperation in my voice or the desperation written all over my face, but after a few moments, the employee nods and gestures to the rack. She parts a few of the dresses and says, “Climb on. We have to be quick. I’m taking this to the storage room.”

“Is there an exit there?”

“Yes, ma’am.”


She wheels me out and we manage to sneak right past Ben, who’s busy chatting with Merrybell from across the store. Deep down, a part of me feels bad. Pyotr’s probably going to be livid when he finds out I snuck out right under their noses. Merrybell and Ben seem like perfectly nice people, but I can’t stick around for them. I can only hope Pyotr won’t be too harsh on them after I’m gone.
