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The boy gingerly stepped past me to begin a careful tour of the fruit bowl, never touching anything, just sweeping his gaze over every inch of its contents in search of the perfect choice.

Galass folded her arms across her chest. ‘Why?’ she asked.

‘Because it’s too sweet if you’re not used to it,’ I replied. ‘I don’t want either of you—’

‘No, I mean, why do you have no intention of making use of our bodies?’

Making use of our bodies.

I liked her bluntness, but the fact that this was the third time she’d been belligerent suggested that her perceptiveness could be dangerous to both of us. She read in my words and deeds a weakness that suggested I committed acts of violence for money but lacked the stomach to do so for pleasure– and she was right, after a fashion, which was a problem because it might require me to prove her wrong.

‘I have no taste for the flesh of unripe fruit,’ I said.

She snorted at my attempt to be clever. ‘You mean you won’t violate those who don’t desire you,’ she corrected.

What the hell was wrong with this kid? Did she have a monumental death wish?

I finally got the damned leather cuirass off and let it fall to the ground. My sweaty, grimy shirt followed. I don’t usually like anyone to see me unclothed, but neither of these two were likely to recognise the black and silver markings burned onto my chest, arms and back, and in any case, most people get nauseous if they stare at the sigils too long.

I grabbed a jug of water and a clean towel and began wiping myself down. ‘All that bullshit your teachers told you about how spiritually rewarding it is to sublimate your will to that of another aside, I prefer the companionship of those who enjoy my attentions,’ I replied.

My response appeared to annoy my unwelcome guest, which irritated me in return. It’s not like I was asking for gratitude– I wasn’t nearly so foolish as that. But did she have to keep needling me like this?

‘You haven’t asked,’ she said.

Fidick looked up from the plum he was half devouring and half dribbling down the front of his gown, his eyes going from the girl to me.

I squeezed out the filthy towel and soaked it a second time. ‘Asked what?’

‘You haven’t asked if Fidick or I desire you. So how do you know? Perhaps I want you right now, Silord.’ She began playing with the loose collar of her silvery gown.

I wasn’t fooled. She was goading me, though I had no idea to what end. ‘Maybe I just find you ugly,’ I said.

‘Is that so?’

She stripped me with her eyes. Unlike Fidick’s almost perversely innocent beauty, Galass knew exactly how to wield her looks for maximum effect, which made her infinitely more attractive– and dangerous.

‘You’re lying again, Silord,’ she said, arching her back just so and causing the strap of her silvery gown to slip off one shoulder. ‘You don’t find me ugly at all. Here I am, gifted to you by the Ascendant himself, my duty as clear to me as it is to you, yet you pretend indifference.’ She took a step closer. ‘You can’t hide your desire for me, Silord.’

I raised my outstretched hand. ‘Do you also see this? Because in about five seconds you’re going to see the back of it close up if you don’t stop taunting me.’

She stepped back, but smiled as if she’d just won the game. ‘And still you haven’t asked.’

‘Asked what?’

‘Whether I desire you.’

‘Why the fuck would you?’

‘Because you’re right about what they beat into us at the monastery, Silord. The “ecstasy of spiritual submission” is– how did you put it?Bullshit?– but if the Ascendant discovers we’ve failed to please you, Fidick and I will suffer a fate far worse than anything you can imagine.’

Which suggests Lucien specifically wanted these two for me. But why?

‘He won’t find out from me, so if the two of you can keep your mouths shut—’

She raised her chin. ‘You assume lying comes as easily to us as it does you. You denigrate any pride a sublime might take in the pleasure we give others as beneath you, but it is all the pride I have. For all your pretences at nobility, you don’t actually care whether I desire you. You simply believe such pathetic creatures as Fidick and I are incapable of our own desires.’

It had been a long time since a sublime had schooled me in philosophical incongruity. I was looking forward to being rid of this one as soon as possible.

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