Page 8 of When Sinners Dare

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I twist the doorknob and push open the door. The room’s filled with a gloomy haze of cigarette smoke and incense, stifling any air. The drapes are closed, blocking out any natural light. Mother sits at her vanity at the far end of the room, candlelight flickering over her face and casting her in shadow.

She epitomises the vision of a witch as she mumbles to herself.

“Mother?” I try to gain her attention.

“Leave me.” Her voice is quiet. Calm. It sounds like a different woman it’s so unfamiliar. And instead of feeling embers of hope or joy from this, a shiver traces down my spine.

What’s Abel done to her?

I close the door and go back to see Dante, who’s still exactly where I left him. “Have you talked to her?” I ask, coming to sit next to him.

“She just went to her room.”

“Where’s Abel?”

“Home. With Lexi.”

“Did he say anything about where they’ve been? Does everyone else know they’re back?”

He looks at me, his face grim. “He’s asked for everyone to be here tomorrow night. A family meal.”

“Why? We’re not celebrating. Hell, will Knox even attend?” I’ve not heard from him since he left after the fight.

“Non-negotiable. He wants us all to put what happened behind us and move forward.”

“Like he’s done with Elias? Fuck that. He doesn’t get to dictate how things go.”

“Oh really? And what are you going to do, Bella?” He pins me with a stare, and I hate how powerless I feel. This isn’t right.

I think back to Antony and the conversation I had with Abel about my freedom. It’s on the tip of my tongue to let him in on what’s been stirring in my mind, but I keep my mouth shut. Maybe I should come to the dinner and wait for what’s said – see what revelation will come.

But as I think the words, the doubt creeps in.

No. I’m done taking the back seat.


“We don’t start without Mariana. Where is she? Mother?” Knox’s voice drifts out into the hallway.

“I’ve not spoken with her today.” Mother’s voice is muted and lacks the acid tone we’re all so used to. She’s been like it since she came back, and I’ve not had more than a hello. Whatever Abel’s done, she’s unrecognisable from the woman dragged screaming from the steps of the house only a few days ago.

“Why are we waiting out here?” Antony squeezes my hand.

“Shhh. Just a minute. I want to make sure we enter at the perfect time.” I hold him back, listening to my siblings in the dining room. Call me theatrical, but I want our entrance to be perfect.

Multiple voices and conversations start to rise in volume.


I hear Abel address the family and smile to myself. My plan somewhat relied on it.

Pulling Antony behind me, I make sure we’re hand in hand as I open the doors and walk in. Abel’s standing, ready to lord over all of us, but his gaze is now fixed on me and my date.

“Sorry I’m late. Everyone, I’d like you to meet Antony. My boyfriend.”

Silence flattens the room, and with my stomach churning, I look around the table at my family. My eyes glance at Dante first, and all I see is the shake of his head.

“Hi, everyone. A pleasure to finally meet you all,” Antony says, his manners taking over. He’s met with stark silence.

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