Page 1 of When Sinners Dare

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What the hell just happened?

I remain standing and watch as Abel drives off with Mother in the car. We all do. Stunned and silent – a first for the Cortez family.

I look over to Lexi as she smiles and stays where she stands, looking over everything that was once my mother’s. Does that make her a rival or an ally? She’s certainly changed my brother. Although, for the better or not remains to be seen. Today, yes, for the better. Tomorrow, maybe not. But at least I have an ally against Mother. Melena Cortez has another female to shower with disappointment.

I glance over to my brothers. Shaw looks uneasy – of course he does. But it’s Knox that worries me. He’s never been like this.

“Everyone okay?” I try.

Dante looks up at me and I can see the damage Abel inflicted. Wren walks over to him with a drink in one hand and a bag of ice in the other. I didn’t even realise she'd gone inside. Dante takes the glass and knocks it back before shoving the ice over his eye.

“Knox?” I ask again.

“We’re fucking peachy,” Shaw answers, attitude firing.

“You, I’m not that concerned with.” My eyes flick to Knox and Dante.

“Not now, Bella,” Dante warns.

“Seriously? Why the fuck not? And Knox, do you need to see a doctor?” He’s been holding his ribs pretty tight.

“No.” His answer is clipped and full of anger. “A couple of broken ribs. I’ve suffered worse.”

“Dante?” I check, feeling a little helpless.

“We’re good. Don’t push this.” He levels me with a glare that speaks volumes.

Heeding his warning, I look around. Lexi’s vanished, as has Shaw, and I can’t help but feel shut off from the family. Clearly, something’s going on. Abel and Knox have never had a physical altercation, not to my knowledge, and we’re still just sitting around, waiting for news about what really happened with Elias. Nothing’s been done since they came back from England. None of them are the same, and now things are beginning to crack.

“Knox, you can crash here. Might be easier than driving.”

“What’s it been, like, ten minutes, and you’re already giving me permission to stay as if it’s your house? Nice.”

“I’m not fighting with you. Stay if you want. Or go. What do I care.” I storm back inside and slam the door behind me. Sometimes being the baby of all those brothers is the best thing in the world. They are fierce and loyal and dangerously protective. But other times, it can be isolating and lonely.

Like now.

I walk through the house, listening. It’s incredible how Mother’s house staff are precisely where they need to be but nowhere to be seen at the same time. And despite my residence being in the same location, they are very much, Mother’s staff.

Being here feels different knowing Mother won’t ambush me around the next corner – threaten me, or just take the opportunity to complain about how I’ve let her down this time. I used to believe that a mother only wants the best for her children – a better life for them – but living with Melena Cortez has made me wonder if that can be true.

Abel’s the only one who knows every part of her history, but I do know that she had a grim life up to a point. She was a whore, and some might say she still is. She certainly did questionable things, but no matter what, she did it to strengthen and grow this family. Family is, or was, everything to her. Even in her manipulative and controlling way, the underlying building block or focus is family. And she makes sure I know that. She tells me about how tough she had it every chance she gets – tells me how grateful I should be for what she suffered for Cortez’. Yet no matter what I do and how much I feel I prove my worth in the family, it’s not enough for her. It’s like she resents that I didn’t have to go through what she did. That I didn’t have to fight. To her, no matter what, I’m not good enough.

But the boys – well, they’re different. Her little soldier boys building her empire, protecting her empire. Except she can’t control them now. That chokehold on the family has slipped, and all bets are off.

My phone chirps and I look to see a text from Antony.

Dinner tonight. Somewhere you’ll be impressed.

He’s a nice guy, and it will be a nice distraction from the car crash of what’s happened here. Who am I to say no? And there’s nobody to disapprove, at least for tonight. Who knows what Abel’s doing, done, or going to do with Mother. The boys don’t want my help, so I’m going to enjoy the fragment of freedom I have. At least while it lasts.

Sure. Tell me where and I’ll meet you there.

What, no picking you up like a true gentleman?

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