Page 39 of Sienna

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She nodded, then reached for his hand. The doors hissed as they began to close, and he jerked her toward him so that she flew through the air and landed in his arms. He looked down at her, his eyes glistening with emotion, then his head swooped low and he kissed her as though he’d die without possessing her lips one more time.

She sighed into his mouth, her every instinct telling her she’d done the right thing. She belonged with this alien male. They belonged together.

He pulled back, then pivoted and strode along the concrete platform, passing the little old lady who cackled with delight at seeing Gray carrying her in his arms. She glanced at the windows of the carriages, the obese man she’d been huddled next to, the one and same she’d managed to manipulate into believing she wasn’t there, staring open-mouthed at Gray and the woman in his arms.

Then the train moved past them, carrying the obese man and the rest of its passengers away from the station and out of sight.

The sun was high in the sky by the time she and Gray finally stopped at the corner of a suburban block, where Nero’s old house sat. She winced, the cut on her foot worsening as she lay on her belly behind some shrubbery with Gray, hiding from prying eyes. It was only lucky humans were too busy going about their lives to notice anything out of the ordinary.

They waited for a couple of hours, long enough to know there was no movement from inside the house, no one coming or going.

“This isn’t good,” she muttered. “Nero works at night, he’s almost always home during the day.”

“Unless he considers his place unsafe now.” He frowned. “In which case, we shouldn’t be here, either.”

“You think Dronians might be watching his place too?”

He nodded. “If they’ve been mostly focused on eliminating him first, then yes, without a doubt.”

She resisted hitting the ground with her fist. Why couldn’t anything ever be easy?

“Got a plan B?” he asked.

“We could ask the owner of the nightclub Nero works at if he’s seen him recently, but doing that might just attract more Dronian attention.” She turned to Gray and said softly, “I think my best bet now is to stay at your house until I meet with the otherrares.”

“I think that’s wise,” he conceded softly, before he reached out and cupped a hand behind her head and pulled her in for a kiss.

She surrendered to him, needing this physical closeness now more than ever. Being with Gray stopped her feeling so alone and isolated, like she was the only Strazanian left in the universe. That the press of his lips and the stroke of his tongue against hers sent pleasure cascading through her was just an added bonus.

Gray pulled back first, his gaze slumberous. “We should go.”

She nodded, too caught up in the moment to want to even move. Not helped by the gash in her foot that made walking anywhere painful. After looking every direction to make sure they were alone, she pushed to her feet. Then touching his shoulder as he stood too and towered next to her, she said, “Let me have someone take us to your house.”

His eyes held hers. “Good idea. I’ll take a look at your foot once we get home.”

Did nothing escape his notice?

It wasn’t until an aged green sedan pulled up in front of them, an old man then opening the driver’s door before he pulled himself out with some effort that she decided he might be a relatively easy man to manipulate. With his arthritis-riddled body keeping him in constant pain he’d have too much else on his mind to fight against her instruction.

“Hi there,” she called out. As he turned she hurried over to him, then smiled and commanded, “I need you to drive me and my friend to his house.”

The old man’s eyes glazed over briefly, then he shook his head andharrumphed. “I don’t need to take you anywhere, young lady!”

She sucked some air through her teeth. Her abilities really were failing her on this planet. She narrowed her eyes and concentrated on her one failsafe ability, altering his perception. He grunted and all but fell backward when he saw five more of her standing around him. She crossed her arms and her clones did the same.

“You were saying?” she asked, her clones echoing her question so that it sounded eerie and a little frightening.

“I-I’ll take just one of you along with your friend,” he said, his face pallid as his wrung his fingers together.

Sienna smiled, allowing her clones to disappear. “Thank you. I knew I could count on you being a gentleman.”

Gray nodded at the elderly man, who gaped at seeing Gray’s striated colors up close. Gray smirked as he opened the back passenger door for Sienna to climb in, then he followed her.

She wrinkled her nose. She wasn’t exactly soaped up and squeaky clean, but the car had the closed-in musty scent that mingled with a contrary aroma of mint and mold.

It wasn’t until the old man climbed back into the driver’s seat, then fumbled at putting the key into the ignition, that Gray leaned forward and said, “I’m Gray, by the way, and this gorgeous woman with me is Sienna. What’s your name?”
