Page 11 of Sienna

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She almost flinched. Were men truly that blind? Or did they only see what they wanted to see? “That’s not true,” she said in a cool voice. “I care about myrarepowers, too. Idotrain every day to perfect them,” she added pointedly.

Skylang chuckled, immune to her dig. His abilities might have been great if he ever bothered to practice using them. He as quickly sobered, his thoughts quite obviously on her. “I could be that man for you,” he said with quiet intent. So unlike him. “I could be your mate.”

She hid a shudder, not of revulsion, but of absolute knowing he was far from being her true mate. He might be elite, but it didn’t make him the other half of her whole, far from it. “We both know we’re not soulmates. We have a bit of fun occasionally and that’s it.”

“Right.” His nostrils flared. “I’ve always been good enough in bed, just not good enough out of it.”

She frowned, ignoring a twinge of guilt. She’d never once indicated she wanted more from him other than sex, and he’d been more than happy sharing his bedroom skills around. But then, as a blue-scaled male who was classified elite, he probably assumed she’d fall at his feet to be his mate. “Maybe Iama hard-ass who only cares about orgasms and my career.”

His eyes flashed, his jaw going as hard as the black rock around them. “Maybe you are.” He pivoted and stalked off, and she was about to call out and—what? Apologize? No, she wasn’t the one in the wrong! Instead she wrinkled her nose, her nostrils flaring with objection. Whatwasthat horrendous smell?

A high-pitched scream made her whirl around sharply, her dark hair with its streaks of green for a moment covering her eyes. Flicking the strands free to clear her vision, her heart froze in her chest. The other woman’s mate swayed drunkenly, his fin half-dangling from his body before it peeled away completely and fell to the ground. The male reached out to his mate as the rest of his body fell apart in great chunks, plopping onto the ground in wet, bloodied thuds.

Like he’d been raked clean through by talons.

Oh, fuck.

Sienna knew only one creature that could do that kind of damage. She took a step forward, her voice coming out in hoarse shout. “Run! Dronians are here!”

The woman looked up at her with wild, neon orange eyes in a pallid face. She was beyond traumatized. Blood suddenly sprayed from her gouged throat, and she clasped at her wound before she fell dead onto the ground beside the pieces of her mate.


She pivoted back to face Skylang. His eyes held hers as a hole appeared in his chest, one that went right through him. Blood gushed free, and he croaked out something that sounded like an apology before he too fell facedown onto the ground.

A shuffle sounded close behind her and she spun around, unleashing her five star fliers with her mind. They flew out of her robe and through the air, hitting their targets.

Two thudded into the flesh of one Dronian. The obscene alien flashed in and out of visual as it fought to stay alive, but the serrated edges of the stars were already working their way deeper into its flesh before hitting organs. The three other stars hit a Dronian behind her. It flicked into clarity, showing one star lodged deep into its eye. The other two were buried in its skull.

It wasn’t until it fell to the ground, its gross purplish blood staining the rock and its putrid scent staining her lungs, that she whispered raggedly, “The royals.”

Chapter Six

Sienna woke with astart, her heart pounding and her chest tight. That her mouth was dry made her stumble out of bed and toward the bathroom. Flicking on the faucet, she cupped her hands under the water and drank deeply.

Then fitting the plug into the bathtub, she turned on its taps and climbed into the tub, sighing luxuriously as the water rose higher and higher. It wasn’t until it began sinking into her pores, its minimal nutrients offset by chlorine, fluoride and other nameless chemicals, that she flicked off the water and, with a heavy sigh, released it down the plug hole.
