Page 66 of Maverick

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I knew he’d find me. Of that I had no doubt.

What he would do was exactly what kept me running, as if a fever had taken full control of my mind and body. The beautiful afternoon was fading into twilight, the light no longer able to reflect past the thick canopy of green. But I didn’t care. I was no longer afraid.

A laugh bubbled to the surface as I jerked to a stop, hiding behind a massive tree trunk, trying to catch my breath. At first, I didn’t hear anything. Then I was forced to bite my tongue to keep from exclaiming as the huge man lumbered through the forest, determined to find the woman he’d laid claim to.

If only he knew what his statement had done to me, which was nothing that I’d expected.

He’d slipped a key into the lock, freeing not only my heart but my soul.

For now…

What if I was locked away again, this time for good?




In working with men and women who’d served in the military, especially those who’d been captured, I’d learned so much about my own sense of freedom. That had been forged in steel the day I’d been taken, shoved inside a darkened cage, not knowing if I’d ever see the light of day again. But neither the horrible imprisonment nor the taunting and torment I’d endured had bothered me as much as the loss of freedom.

I’d realized how much I’d taken basic tasks for granted. Waking up and going to bed when I wanted. Taking a walk just to clear my head. Purchasing a bottle of wine or going out with friends. Even reading a book or watching my favorite show on Netflix had been denied.

They’d been things I’d thought about and craved the entire time. But not nearly as much as being outside in sunshine or snow, especially during a spring shower. I adored the fragrance of flowers and moss growing on trees, freshly cut grass, and the air after a thunderstorm. Those had been stripped away from me.

Now I was running not for freedom but because I was free and lighthearted, able to laugh even while being chased. Because I knew the man hunting me would never hurt a bone in my body and never take away my precious freedom. Snake hadn’t just ignited a fire deep inside. He’d nurtured the lost girl to come out of her shell without having any idea he was doing so.

If only I could do the same thing for him.

Maybe our shared freedom was allowing him certain pleasures he’d forgotten about during his times of torture.

It was difficult not to laugh as I continued weaving my way through the trees, darting a glance over my shoulder every few seconds. When I stopped for a second time, I held my breath so I could hear how far he trailed behind me.

When I heard nothing except for sounds of nature, I took a deep breath. Maybe he’d given up? No, that wasn’t like him. The man was a fighter in every way, determined to get what he wanted.

And he wanted me.

I leaned against the tree, admiring the pretty wildflowers growing in the shade, the last shimmer of sunlight sparkling through the leaves and finding their way to highlight the colors. Their fragrance was mild but incredible.

Then I gathered a whiff of sweat and musk, the combination heady. That was only seconds before he grabbed my arm, whipping me around the tree.

“My. My. You really thought you could get away from me?” His chest heaving, his eyes were more hooded than normal, both piercing mine and dripping with lust. “You should know better. What I told you before was accurate.”

“Which part?”

“That I take what I want part.”

“I don’t remember you saying something like that,” I said, still defiant with the man. His eyes twinkled in response. Then I gave him a wry smile, allowing a soft purr to slide past my pursed lips.

He took it as an invitation, or maybe he didn’t believe he needed one. He pulled me toward him, shaking his head. “You should learn not to defy me.”

“Oh, yeah?”


I gave him a sweet smile as I rubbed my fingers up the length of his arms. “I knew you’d catch me.”

“Then why did you run?”

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