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Before he’s even finished, Barrett tugs on his handful of my hair to pull my mouth off his shaft. At first, I think I did something wrong, but then his mouth is covering mine, his tongue urgent against mine as I taste both of our arousal all mixed together.

When we’re forced to separate for oxygen, Barrett releases my hair and brushes the strands behind each of my ears. “Come stay with me tonight.”

“Ah, what?” I ask.

“I just want to spend more time with you,” he says.

I’m about to answer when I hear a motorcycle engine rumbling closer. I really hope it’s Barrett’s brother, but I doubt we’re that lucky.

“Hand me my panties?” I ask him.

He reaches down to find them and offers them to me before glancing out the back window. “Someone’s coming?”



Once my panties are in place and I’m mostly put back together, I also look out the rear window to see who the motorcycle belongs to. Please don’t be my father, please don’t be my father…

The biker has a helmet on as he pulls up, but it doesn’t take long to identify him by the ink on his tattoos.

“It’s just Thane,” I say with a sigh of relief.

“That guy again?” Barrett asks, followed by, “Wait here. I’ll talk to him.” He opens the door and climbs out of the car, with me quickly following him.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I ask.

“I’m just going to talk to him.”

“Right, sure,” I reply. “And I’ll just stay here in case I need to get between you.”

Turning to me, Barrett says, “Don’t ever get in the middle of two men fighting. You’ll end up getting hurt.”

No shit. I know that better than anyone.

Thane kills the engine and pulls off his helmet. “Who the hell are you?” he asks as he rips off his sunglasses and hangs them from the front of his shirt collar.

“Barrett’s a…friend of mine,” I explain. “What are you doing here? Are you stalking me now?”

“Yes,” he says without hesitation as he continues to eye Barrett. “Isaac just called me. He wanted me to find you, then stay with you wherever you go from now on.”

“What? Why?”

“Apparently, to make sure you don’t go near any member of the Savage Kings.” Narrowing his brown eyes at Barrett, he says, “That you?”

“That’s me.”

“Thane, please go away. Just tell my dad you couldn’t find me.”

“You know I can’t do that, Lyla,” he says as he climbs off his bike, his helmet swinging from his hand like a potential weapon. “Isaac told me to put a bullet in his head if I saw him near you. Last chance, asshole. Stay away from her, and don’t think about crossing the county line again.”

“I seem to recall someone else giving me that same order last night,” Barrett replies. “Didn’t work out very well.”

“Don’t make me shoot you, man.”

“Thane, seriously?”

“Stay out of this, Lyla,” Barrett warns as the two men start walking toward each other. Their shoes scuff up a cloud of dust like a ridiculous wild west shootout is about to go down.

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