Page 20 of Whiskey Pain

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Like me,I think.Here I am, emotionally and psychologically tormenting a woman less than an hour after she got out of the hospital. A hospital I put her in. After I fucked her.

“Does Piper strike you as the kind of person who does terrible things?”

I finally look away from the screen, snapping around to stare up at my friend. “You’re the one who wanted to come with me. Can you fucking handle yourself or not?”

He frowns. “Your soldiers make enough jokes about me being too soft. I don’t need it from you, too.”

“Then be quiet and let me do what I need to do.”

I turn back to the screen, and things are dissolving quickly. Piper is bent over and bracing against her chair. She isn’t answering questions anymore. Her mouth opens with a long exhale before she sucks in a new breath, filling her chest with air that I can tell even from here isn’t enough to calm her stampeding heart.

“I’m not bothered by your methods,” Akim says. “I just don’t think they’re necessary.”

“What do you know about any of this?”

He edges into my peripheral vision, but I don’t look away from the screen. “I knowyou, Timofey. I know you’re punishing Piper because you care about her. You’re punishing yourself because you care, too.”

“I’m punishing her because she kidnapped Benjamin.” I don’t bother entertaining the second point.

“If that was true, she’d be dead already.”

He’s right.Why isn’t she dead already?I try to drum up some feasible answer, but there isn’t one. Not one I like, anyway. Definitely none I’ll admit aloud.

“Let me out. Please.”

Piper’s voice crackles through the speakers and it’s like she’s whispering in my ear.

I’m on my feet before I know what I’m doing.

By the time I can consider it, it’s too late to change course. I blow past Akim and wrench open the door. Then I take two steps, stopping just outside the next room over, and knock.

When the door opens, I tell the man on the other side of the room to leave. “All of you. Now.”

They file out. The man at the desk is last. He leans in as he passes. “The bitch is ripe now. She’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

I paid this man to break Piper, but now, I want to knock his front teeth in. I clench my fist and step into the room, which is identical to the one I just left. Except this one smells like vanilla.

“I’m disappointed in you, Piper.”

Lies.I’m actually somewhat impressed. I expected her to break by now, but she surprised me.

She doesn’t need to know that.

Her green eyes settle on mine, but they’re like full moons hanging in the sky. Close enough to touch, but hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Her hands are flat on the table, fingers trembling. She bites her lower lip and then releases it in a shaky exhale.

In and out. In and out.

“Piper.” I say her name once with something akin to tenderness before I remember Akim is in the other room, watching this unfold. I stomp around the table and yank her to her feet. She wavers, and I crush my hands around her thin arms. “Relax. Now.”

She looks up at me, dark lashes flicking with surprise. Her cheeks are flushed with the heat of her panic. Her lips are parted as her gasps settle—somewhat—into steadier, whimpering pants.

Will this woman ever not have a vise grip on my cock? I should want to kill her, but all I can think about is spreading her out over this table and devouring her from thigh to thigh.

“Calm down,” I order. I repeat it in my head for my own benefit.

She narrows her eyes. It’s a relief to see some of that familiar fire from her. “Gee, thanks. How helpful. I’m cured.”
