Page 86 of Whiskey Poison

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“Then that should be enough.”

We stare at each other for a few seconds. The constant push and pull of our relationship vibrates between us.

Finally, I stand and pace to the window. I can see Piper standing outside just beyond the stone patio with Benjamin in her arms. She’s pointing at the garden and talking to him animatedly.

I glance back over my shoulder at Sergey. “Your opinion is enough for me to focus elsewhere.For now.”

His face warms into a broad smile. “This is why I chose you to be my successor, Timofey. You always see reason. You aren’t driven by your emotions.”

“Of course I’m not. You raised me to ignore them.”

I don’t miss how bitter those words sound on my lips.

I turn my attention outside again. Piper is walking across the grass, pointing out things as she goes. I haven’t seen her since last night at dinner, but Akim has kept me filled in on her movements. He’ll never admit it, but he’s jealous that someone else has taken over his caregiving role. Every time I’ve seen him today, he’s been watching Benjamin’s nursery cameras like a hawk.

“I usually play peek-a-boo with the new diaper before I put it on him,” he whined earlier. “It makes it a bit more fun. But whatever. She’s doing fine, I guess.”

She looks comfortable enough now, with Benjamin cradled in her arms. But I notice the way she keeps glancing back at the house. The way her eyes dart for the far end of the property line.

She’s nervous.

I have a good guess as to why.

“Like I said, I hope you’re not being driven by your emotions.” He steps forward and joins me near the window. His eyes narrow in on Piper. “I just have to wonder if your sudden interest in Rodion being involved in Emily’s death has anything to do with the new…presence in your life.”

“There is no new anything in my life.”

“Don’t forget, I’ve seen her,” he says, his voice low and suggestive. “She’s beautiful.”

If he was anyone else, I’d shove him out of the window. Instead, I fist my hands at my side. “She’s Benjamin’s nanny.”

“Interesting you waited until now to hire one. Benjamin is… how old?”

“Six months. Which is old enough that I can’t depend on Akim and whoever might be around to hold him,” I snarl. “He needs a designated caregiver.”

Sergey continues on like he hadn’t heard me. “In the girl’s case, maybe emotions really aren’t involved. There are lots of other very human urges that could drive you to keep someone like her around.”

I can’t even deny it. Less than twenty-four hours ago, those human urges were at the helm.

There was no reason to kiss Piper. I wouldn’t gain anything from it. It wouldn’t benefit the Bratva in any way.

Iwantedto. Simple as that.

And I always get what I want.

Piper is venturing further and further from the house. It would be smart to look away and feign disinterest, but I want to see where she’s going.

“She’s useful to me. I’ll keep her on so long as she remains useful. I’m sure you can understand that.”

Sergey nods, unconvinced. “Certainly I do. Women can be useful in many ways, can’t they? You can find some way to put her to work.”

“Let it go, Otets.”

He bites back a smug smile. “For instance, we have that wedding coming up. The Marine Corps Commandant. I believe the invitation came with a plus-one, as a matter of fact.”

“Are you asking me to be your date?” I drawl viciously.

He waves me off. “I might not even go. But one of us should. And if you do, you might as well enjoy yourself. Strap some pretty little thing to your arm and try to relax.”
