Page 205 of Whiskey Poison

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The excitement wanes in the face of his scary rationale. “Do you think I’m going to be running from enemies?”

“I hope not,” he says sincerely. “But with your claustrophobia, I need to know you have a way to escape that is fast and won’t send you spiraling into an attack.”

My face flushes. I look down at my sneakers and nod. “It’s embarrassing that even in an emergency, I might not be able to overcome my fear.”

Timofey grips my chin and forces my face up to his. “It’s not embarrassing, Piper. Nothing about you overcoming your childhood and becoming a hardworking, decent person is embarrassing. It would be surprising if you didn’t have some baggage from all the shit you’ve been through.”

I meet his eyes and swallow hard. “That’s a Weeping Warning, for sure.”

He nods and drops his hand. “I didn’t get this for you because you’re weak; I got this for you because I want you to be free. Whether I’m there with you or not.”

His final words hang in the air between us, and I want to ask what they mean.

Like, if hetemporarilyisn’t there with me? Or if he is no longer part of my life at all?

Only a couple weeks ago, I wished for Timofey Viktorov to be nothing more than a bad dream. I wanted to forget he ever existed and move on with my life. But now… I can’t imagine moving forward without him.

I love him.

The truth of it sits in my stomach like a bowling ball. I swallow down a fresh wave of tears, willing myself not to dissolve into hysterics again.

“Okay, here we go.” Timofey grabs my waist and hoists me up onto the bike in one seamless movement. It’s like I weigh no more than a carton of eggs to him. “Time to make use of this empty parking garage while I still have it for the next hour.”

“You rented it out?”

His hands are still on my hips when he nods. “I wanted you to get some practice in where it would be safe.”

I place my hands over his, slowly dragging my fingers up the twining muscles of his arms. “Thank you, Timofey.”

He squeezes my waist and draws in closer, dipping his head. “Actions speak louder than words, Piper Quinn.”

I smile and stretch up to press my lips to his. It’s a quick kiss, but it gets a very different kind of engine rumbling inside of me.

Maybe this thing with Timofey does have a deadline. It might even be sooner rather than later.

But when he holds me like this, I could care less.

He’s worth every piece of my shattered heart.



It’s the fifth time I’ve called my dad in as many days. This time, he finally picks up the phone.

“What do you want?” he barks.

His voice still sounds weak. I have no clue if he’s still in the hospital or not. I haven’t been to visit him since the night Timofey and I were there with Benjamin. If I have it my way, I never will again.

I brace myself for the begging and pleading he’ll do when I tell him I’m cutting him off. It’s not going to be pretty, but it’s necessary. Finally, I’m going to do what Timofey has been encouraging me to do from the beginning: I’m going to look out for myself.

“I want to talk,” I tell him. “It will only take a minute.”

“I’m not even supposed to give you a second.”

I frown. “Is the hospital limiting your calls or something?”

“What?” he barks. “No. They can’t—no, it’s not the hospital. You know damn fucking well who I’m talking about.”
