Page 145 of Whiskey Poison

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It takes me a few seconds to realize it’s the garage door.

It takes me a few seconds more to realize I’m commando and still naked from the waist up.

“Shit!” I hiss, diving behind the black car Timofey fingered me against. The thought still sends warm fuzzies through me, even as I start to hear distant shouting. “What is going on?”

“I have a visitor.” Timofey is standing between the cars, staring at the door.

“Did you open that door?”

He nods.

“Asshole!” I yelp. “I was naked. Someone could have seen me.”

“Then I suggest you hunker down and be quiet or someone still might.” He takes a step forward and waves his hand. “I’m right here, Rodion.”

My eyes are so big they’re bulging. “Rodionis here?”

I duck behind the hood of the car as Rodion’s voice gets closer. “Don’t fucking wave at me like we’re friends.”

“Fine. I’ll wave at you like I’m the last face you’re ever going to see,” Timofey fires back. “Which I will be, if you don’t calm the fuck down and tell me what you’re doing here.”

In a flash, Timofey ducks down just as something explodes on the back wall. Tools and bits of corkboard fly everywhere. Is heshootingat Timofey?

But no, I realize as something comes skittering to my feet. It wasn’t a bullet. It was a whole gun. He chucked it right at Timofey’s head.

“Don’t waste your breath threatening me now. I already know you want me dead,” Rodion snarls. “I swiped that gun off the hitman you sent to take me out.”

Timofey is standing eerily still. His body is tense, and I can see his mind churning. “Someone tried to kill you?”

“Tried and failed. I saw him coming from a mile away. How fucking stupid do you think I am?”

“If you really came here to accuse me of arranging your death, then you’re much stupider than I realized.”

My shirt is too far away, but I manage to grab my bra and ease it on. I can’t quite get the clasp, but now that my nipples are put away, I can focus on what the two men are saying.

Someone tried to kill Rodion. It might’ve been Timofey.Huh?

He was with me all night in his bedroom and then across town, helping the kids. But if he hired a hitman, he wouldn’t need to be there in person to have Rodion killed.

I don’t need to ask myself if Timofey is capable of something like that. I know he is. I just hope he didn’t do it. I’d like to think he wasn’t murdering someone at the same time we were…occupied.

My thoughts scatter when footsteps slap across the concrete. Timofey dodges to one side as Rodion flies past him and slams into the car.

If he looks closely, I’m sure he’ll see the outline of my handprints on the hood. If he turns around, he’ll see my entire body hunkered in the corner.

I silently pray he doesn’t notice either one.

Timofey glances in my direction only once, to make sure I’m hidden. Then his gaze locks on Rodion, drawing the man’s attention away from me.

“Don’t be stupid, Rodion. If I wanted you dead, you’d be dead.”

Rodion shakes his head. “No. Because I’m the best killer you have. You can’t hire someone to take out the best.”

“I wouldn’t hire anyone. I’d do it myself,” Timofey snaps. “And I’d relish it, too. You’re a pain in the ass more often than not.”

Rodion rears back and spits hard at Timofey’s shoes. He barely misses, his saliva splattering across the concrete. “You’re fucking coward,Don Viktorov. Look me in my eyes and tell me the truth.”

“I didn’t hire anyone to kill you, Rodion. That might change if you spit on me again. Murder attempt or not, I don’t take kindly to disrespect.”
